
Topic: Advertising/PR

Title For Gold Bullion Free Educationa Seminar

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I need help to come up with a title for a free educational seminar about the importance of owning Gold/Silver bullion in such shifting financial environment. It will be great if we can use the benefit-emotion technique. I like the concept of "protection" during the "storm". As well as, the concept of a store of value but liquid in the same time. Over the last 10 years the smart money has realized that gold is more of a real currency than a commodity, but most of the public did not. I want my seminars to show the public what they have missed over the last decade, and why they do not want to be outside of the bandwagon for the next decade to come.
Thanks for all of your help.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Don't Miss The Gold Boat
    Be Bullish For Bullion
    Turn Your Investment Into Gold
  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    Gold/Siver Bullions: Safe, accessible liquidity for all times

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