
Topic: E-Marketing

Waited Too Long On Trade Show Follow-up Email

Posted bytech_marketeron 250 Points
so we messed up on our trade show follow-up. we waited too long to send a "thank you" email to those who visited our booths and a general email to attendees who didn't visit our booth.

so what now? I'm wrestling with 2 options:

(1) send an email still referencing the show (i.e., making a connection with the recipient) and giving an offer (e.g., webinar, white paper)

(2) send an email ignoring the trade show (because it looks bad) and just give an offer

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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    How long is too long? If a few weeks, you are fine to reference the show. if a few months, then it is probably too long, so may be better to not reference the show.
  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    Never too long.

    You can lie and say you wanted to make sure they caught up on the backlog before you reached out....which may have been your plan all along.

    如果这是2个月或更长时间,做一个绘画和体育ople can enter by telling you something they remember from your booth. (Most people won't remember much)

  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    Agree with michael; it''s never too late to express appreciation for something. "It was a pleasure seeing you at XYZ trade show...(no mention of time/date). We''ve been diligently working on this new [paper/webinar/whatever] and thought it would be of interest to you/your company. What the heck...go for it!

    Best of luck
  • Posted bytech_marketeron Author
    totally confused . what do you mean by "forgotten" - I awarded all of you points (prior to your message) - not sure the reason for the aggressive tone of your post

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