
Topic: Branding

Help Need A Catchy Name For Transport Biz

Posted bywinfreyincon 250 Points
We are startup biz in transportation in Georgia and looking for unique catchy names. We transport patients, but we also service other transportation needs, like airport transport services as well. We want to show we are reliable and riding with us will be different from the rest, almost like a chauffeur service, we really focus on presentation.
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Member
    Since you're not focusing on one audience in particular, I would lean toward XYZ (your preferred title) Transport. You may find that marketing and naming with a specific audience in mind will be simpler and much more effective as far as marketing.

    Patient transport involves intense quality checks, and if you want to be a trusted source for this, work hard to establish a reputation. In the end, it will be your credibility, trust and referral system that carries the business.
  • Posted bymichaelon Member
    Georgia the state or Georgia the country?

  • Posted bywinfreyincon Author
    the state of georgia
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    I'd forget about "catchy" and use Gail's suggested approach. If you were selling a cute or frivolous product or service, then "catchy" might be appropriate. But what you're selling is serious stuff. Why mess up a potentially strong brand image with a "catchy" name.

    Who is your primary target audience? What do you know about them? What criteria do they use to decide which transportation company to use?

    Your name will probably have more impact if you can narrow the target audience and be very specific to their unique needs. When you try to serve different audiences with different needs, you're forced to use a "generic" name that is equally irrelevant to everyone. Not a great way to start a new business.
  • Posted bywinfreyincon Author
    I thought of Transworthy Express,, but I wanted something short, and catchy. Showing that we are reliable you can trust use, we will be there for you.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    So why not use "Transworthy Express?" What is it you don't like about it? If you think it communicates the desired message, use it.

    The hard part with naming is deciding what criteria you'll use to evaluate candidates and ultimately to select the name.

    Once you have clearly defined criteria, you can evaluate each name candidate against the criteria.

    So if you HAD the criteria, you could then decide whether "Transworthy Express" makes the cut or not. And if not, we'd have a better idea of what else to explore to come up with a winner for you.
  • Posted on Member
    What's your differentiating factor? Are the vehicles more on the luxury side? Are they special or specially equipped? Do passengers have to call and reserve ahead of time or can they call when they have an immediate need? Will drivers assist them with packages, etc., as part of standard service?

    Just questions I would ask any client before starting any branding project..
  • Posted bywinfreyincon Author
    We will be more of a chauffeur service for those who are needing our service, elite, better than the rest, our drivers will be dressed as concierge as if they were parking at a hotel, we will assist them getting in, opening the door, we will wait outside with our concierge suits on, to show them top of the line service
  • Posted on Accepted
    How about "Carcierge," a combimation of car and concierge?
  • Posted on Member
    How about Evig Express- EVIG means forever, gells with Trust theme...

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