
Topic: E-Marketing

Need More Hits On Enewsletter

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I want to increase the number of hits and the interest in my newsletter. What type of content do people want to see "the most"?
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  • Posted byVesleberton Accepted
    Hi Mary
    -This you can figure about:if what you read applies to your interests or needs, then you continue reading.
    -Use humour and real anecdotes from real people.
    -Very popular formats are "10 Tips for..." and "7 Keys to..." or "How to..."
    -Use good quality and topic-related images, watching their size in terms or weight and proportion against text.
    -Consider use a poll from time to time, asking interesting questions about interesting subjects.
    -Make your email useful, with clear titles and subtitles, and think carefully the "Subject" line of the email.

    And always invite readers for feedback and contributions with material (articles, comments or pictures).

    Good writing!!


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