
Topic: Advertising/PR

Seeking Sponsorship For New Advertisements Website

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have recently started a new company and website called HOUSE OF TICKETS website add the purpose to advertise all kinds of UK events, sell products & event tickets. I am currently having trouble seeking sponsorship and companies to advertise products, services, events or even tickets. I am seeking sponsor, we can provide in return, advertisement webspace with a wide database of viewer banners and more, contact if any info please and thanks
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    While you will need numbers to show potential sponsors that you have a following that you can expose to their message, you can begin by showing them what that number is now and how you anticipate growth and why.

    You may have go give away some of that space in the beginning to build a history of followers and proof that those followers respond to targeted advertising.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Why do you need (additional) sponsors?
    As Gail said, give away your listings (initially) to help build the quality of content on your website, and shift over to a for-pay model after you're targeted website traffic is salable to prospective advertisers.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank u both, I think your both right I do need to give
    Away some promotional space In order to build on traffic an
    Customers. I have recently started a Xmas promotion
    For free event advertising durning the Christmas an new year
    Period. Now I jus need to focus on adverts to bring in a revenue

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