
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Required

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Residential contemporary builder - PerfCon- I require a tagline for my new start up business. I am located in Sydney, Australia. I want something catchy to sit under my logo describing a fresh modern company providing good value quality work- yeah, thats why i am here.
I am a great builder but no degree in marketing, I have great ideas for construction and design but not advertising, any help greatly appreciated. Thanks
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Member
    Initially, I think about your business name, which sounds very commercial to me. More times than not, people will refer to your business (you hope they do!) by the business name, and to me, it just doesn't resonate as a residential contemporary builder.

    You may want to revisit that before you create a tagline to communicate that you're a "quality, contemporary home builder."
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    What's a PerfCon? What is that name supposed to communicate? If this is a new business, maybe there's time to pick a name that will work with the tagline to communicate your desired message. Otherwise, you miss an opportunity to pack as much meaning into the name/tagline as you can, or you devote your tagline explaining the name -- and thus miss an opportunity to pack as much meaning into both as you could have.

    好的市场ing starts with a very clear and specific definition of your primary target audience, and then a clear identification of the most important unmet need of that audience that you can satisfy -- your unique positioning benefit.

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