
Topic: Taglines/Names


Posted bysteveion 250 Points
We are a full service graphic design and print management company. We have lost a great deal of our business to CD's and web. Having a logo and a website are necessary components of branding, but I feel that a well planned, locally-focused print program will connect your business with your target audience creating a bigger Return on Impact than a huge email blasting will. The name of my firm is Isaacson Associates, which really does not say what we do. I have 2 web domains "CONNECTFORSUCCESS.US" + "CONNECTTOSUCCESS.NET"
I have come up with "We Create !mpact With Printing", "Connect to Success With Printing", "Creating Emotional !mpact With Printing", "Creative Printing !mpacts Emotional Connections". They feel too wordy and none really say what I feel needs to be said.
Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    So instead of "We Create !mpact With Printing" maybe shorten to "ImpactPrintingUSA" or "PrintforImpact".

  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    You may also consider:

    • Print Local

    • Printing Impressions

    • Image Printing
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Your clients aren't looking for "impact" - they're looking for "sales". Can you prove your claim that "... I feel that a well planned.." so it's not simply your opinion? Where have your clients come from in the past - a region or a vertical market? How do you compare to your competitors in this area? In other words, why choose YOU?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hey Steve-
    I feel your pain. I looked at your website assume this is you). Your family success- 75 years!- That's impressive.

    I think maybe a name change is not the starting line for you.

    If your company has used your current name for 75 years and built a great reputation on it, maybe there are a few other things to focus on instead.

    Older, successful companies caught in the middle of all the tech transitions often struggle with change.

    At one time, most business advertising was in some form of print material (ads, newsletters, door hangers, etc.), making the local print shop a vital necessity.

    Not so any more. But that doesn't mean you are DOA either. It just may mean a chance to refocus your efforts, brand, and redefine your target customers, then go after them.

    As far as your branding goes, you may be able to gain a lot more business via online clients with a stronger web presence. This will require a website overhaul I think. especially if you are selling graphic art services.

    I see you sell promotional products too, that is great for online clients.

    If you still feel that just a name change is all you need, make it simple and memorable.

    I will throw this one out there:


    Laura Wrede
    Freelance Writer and Photographer

  • Posted bySher Milleron Accepted
    You're looking for a tagline, yes? Another name for a tagline is a brand promise. What are you offering your clients? What are they going to get from you that they can't get anywhere else? You said Isaacson Assoc. is a graphic design and printing management company. Ok..great. You have a focus. Now...why should they care? Do you want equal emphasis on the design aspect and the printing aspect? Do you only design for print? Or do you design for other mediums?

    You need to make some decisions regarding that. You'll need to work that info into the tagline if the purpose of the tagline is to make a promise regarding your services. Keep it to 7 or 8 words or less and don't be TOO clever. That can get you in trouble.

    So maybe you go with:
    Isaacson Associates followed by one of the following
    Designing for Success
    Design + Print = One Stop Perfection
    Image Improvement Through Better Design (and Printing)
    Your Ideas + Our Designs = Your Success
    Printing Your Road to Success
    设计印刷:Your One Stop Solution
    Works for You

    Maybe these will help get you started down the road to brilliance.
  • Posted on Accepted
    "First Impressions" are lasting.

    "Imprinted First Impressions"

    "Imprinted Impressions"

    "Print to Impress"

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