
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Industrial Name

Posted bymamy1on 250 Points
We need to change our name and stop using our family name. We do industrial maintenance services including elec trical, floor finishes, painting, control panels, concrete, and other construction and maintenance. Our strength is in problem solving - but this one has me stumped. We want something cool, strong, and easy to remember. May need a tag line too. Thanks for any thoughts. Time is of the essence because a new client wants us to send them a brochure of our services and we are in the process of creating one by Thursday.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Can you switch the name from "Smith's Industrial Maintenance" to "YourCity Industrial Maintenance"? It'll make the transition easier, and keep the connection to the "old" (if that's desirable).

    Otherwise, what makes your company unique in your area? Why do people choose to hire your services?
  • Posted byVisual Clueon Accepted
    "Industry Giants"
    Big Services, Big solutions

    "Industrial Maintainence Solutions"

  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    How about simply: Industrial Maintenance Solutions

    No need for a tagline because it says it all in three words.
  • Posted bymamy1on Author
    Thanks for some great suggestions. This got us moving in the right direction--keeping it simple. We are grateful for your time & input!

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