
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help For Blog Name For Pwd/differently-abled/handicaps

Posted bydesireejoy16on 250 Points
I am a Person With Disability (PWD) but not inborn. And I've been thinking about starting a blog with my real time experiences / tips / advice regarding everything from work-at-home experiences, social life, maybe about family or relationships. Just about anything that tackles the trials & mostly triumphs/achievements of a differently-abled person like me.

I'm a 30-year old single female who lives in the Philippines. I've been thinking if I should just use my first name as my blog name, will that be a good idea? Btw, my name is Desiree joy. Or any ideas for a catchier blog name? Please help? Your ideas are highly appreciated. Thanks!
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Are you thinking that the goal for your blog is to simply share your life with others or is there ultimately a business plan to take what you write and make money with it? If it's the former, then yes - use your name to tell about you and your life. If it's the latter, then you want to think about who specifically is likely to be interested in your writing and why should they care about you (instead of others writing)?
  • Posted bypegon Accepted
    The name of your blog should relate to what you want the blog to achieve.

    If you want to share your personal stories and receive comments from interested others, then a blog in your own (lovely) name will do nicely, and may even result in you becoming a well known voice in the global community of differently-abled people. You don't need a "catchier" name if your intent is personal, because nothing is more personal or more interesting to your readers than your name. In this case, choose a blog design theme that reflects your personality.

    If you want your blog to attract advertising income, then you might want to give it a more generic or insititutional-sounding name that relates to the category, such as "pwdblog" or "blogging with disabilities." In this case you might consider bringing additional pwd writers into your blog to get the broadest range of topic coverage (and thereby more ad dollars and higher ranking). If you take this direction, then choose a blog design theme that makes room for advertising and appeals to their corporate/non-profit image requirements -- for example, use corporate blues and grays, etc.

    Good luck with this project.
  • Posted bydesireejoy16on Author
    Thanks guys for your insights! I think my goal with this project is really to inspire other PWDs like me and help share awareness. If in case an opportunity to profit arises, I guess it will be a nice bonus for me. :)

    Again, thank you for responding. Your answers helped me a lot.

    God bless you guys!

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