
Topic: Advertising/PR

I Lost 7 Residents In 3 Months

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
dec.11th to mar 12th i lost 6 of my "family members" to the good lord and one to Nursing home. I have a 33 bed facility and 3 were already empty. Add it up, it hurts. i writing this to hear myself think and would welcome helpful ideas. i have come to the conclusion that our economy is keeping moms and dads brothers and sisters at home to keep the money in the house. that too shall pass. i have been doing some public speaking on helpful hints on the assisted living industry, V.A. benefits etc... not speaking directly about MY facility but handing out my brochures, pens and pads. i also have a half page add in a local paper. i have a good relationship with case workers and the physician community. rehab centers and church civic groups. for ten years this july 5th i have had 93% occupancy until loosing 7 of my long timers. I'm recovering slowly. already into my line of credit. any comments on my setting?
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    You don't say what kind of facility you are, although you imply that you're an assisted living locale. I thought you were a nursing home, but read that one of your residents went to one.

    What makes a facility like yours, assuming it follows all federal and safety guidelines, better than others? Do residents get round-the-clock medical supervision?

    It's good that you're speaking about the value of of assisted living and not overly promoting just your location. Education, reliability, cleanliness, trustworthiness, quality staffing and meeting all safety guidelines will help you get people in the door. If your reputation has been good for all of the years you've been in business, word-of-mouth should be pushing new residents your way. Also, align yourself with doctors who believe in your quality of service.
  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    保持积极和接触!检查与当地读出a to see if any have as elderly care features and volunteer to write or speak. Invite family members and/or patients (depending in their level of functioning) to accompany you and/or write an endorsement. Invite the press to tour the facility and grounds.

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