
Topic: Advertising/PR

Pr'able Ideas For A Helicopter Manufacturer

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm supposed to come up with a few PR'able ideas to market a Helicopter manufacturer based in India and am having a hard time coming up with the right mix.

The key requirements are that it should present and focus on the the technical prowess of the company as well as its ability to cater to the psychographic beliefs of the companies/organizations/high-net-worth individuals who are the company's prospective clients.

Any suggestions or ideas to point me in the right direction would be much appreciated.

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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear Shashankkumar,

    所以,“关键需求提出nt and focus on the the technical prowess of the company as well as its ability to cater to the psychographic beliefs of the companies/organizations/high-net-worth individuals who are the company's prospective clients." eh?

    Wrong answer. Sorry.

    Wrong, wrong, wrongeddy-wrong.

    Here's why:

    All that stuff is about YOU and your company.

    Yawn. Boring. And as stale as last month's chapatis.

    Let's say I'm a new millionaire and that I've made millions of Rupees in the bio-tech niche. My life drips
    with shiny toys, flashy gadgets, and limitless luxury.

    哦,horror. And guess what? I am bored to tears.

    So, if I'm flipping through YOUR brochure, the very LAST thing I want to read about is YOU.

    I want to see how you can excite ME! To do that you need to place me, front and center, at the controls of my own helicopter and you need to show ME how cool I'll look as I out-cool all the other super rich people I know because at the core here, that's hat it's all about: making me look cool and pissing off all my super rich friends because I have a super-dooper, gold-plated helicopter and they don't.

    Show my how cool I'll look and all the cool places I'll get to go and all the cool babes I'll attract in my shiny new egg beater and you'll have my attention.

    See, it's not about your company, it's about your buyers and how good they can look as a result of using your products. When it comes to influencing other people, here, the social proof of having something or of going somewhere, or of owning something that someone else lusts after is HUGE. This is why people are bamboozled into buying diamonds, or art, or fine wine, or luxury real estate: it's NOT bout the ownership or possession of the item, it's all about impressing other people. It's about self aggrandizement and one-up-man-ship. Tap into this and do it well and you'll probably see sales increase ... and yes, even in a down economy.

    I hope this Helps. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer

  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    I think spectacular technical elements in human language (leave jargon on the table) is important, as is the company's record on producing safe equipment.

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