
Topic: Advertising/PR

Customer Appreciation Event

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
we are an auto dealership wanting to have a customer appreciation event to honor our loyal customers. we would like to also make some sales from the event . ahve run out of fresh ideas for a fun,unique,event that will be remembered.
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  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    Consider teaming with car wash, detailing, vacuuming vendor(s) for free or discounted price for services (limited time) specifically for your customers. Or offer car amenities package -- maybe a spiral bound regional map, spill proof coffee mug, trash bin, etc with raffle ticket to win a GPS or maybe DVD w/movie for the "little customers" that the parents/grandparents have to travel with!

    Build excitement with lots of balloons, customer appreciation signs, perhaps ads in local media; and don't forget to do a press release to local media as well.

  • Posted on Accepted
    With the high price of gas, I would think some type of gift card for gas would be appreciated. The body shop I use gives out coupons for free car washes and people just love that.
  • Posted bypegon Accepted
    If you want to appreciate customers, then focus on the customers before you focus on the cars (is that too obvious?)

    Here's an outline for a customer appreciation day (weekend):

    1. Clear out part of your parking lot to set up a car wash. Team with the local high school to do the washing -- you make the signs for them to hold up, provide the water, soap and towels, and pay the kids a set amount for every car they wash. Get some cheerleaders to wave pom-poms at curbside. At, say, $5 per acquisition, that's much cheaper than advertising yet it's a windfall to the kids.

    2. Invite your customers to customer appreciation day, which starts with a free car wash. While the car is being washed, you invite them over to a refreshment stand. You hire a barista with a cart to make free lattes, and/or offer free sodas from a cooler. The refreshment stand is also in the parking lot (under a tent, if it's hot where you are), surrounded by a circle of new model cars -- one of each type that you sell. The only thing to do while sipping your coffee is look at all the new models. (Tell the teenagers to take their time washing and drying the cars.)

    3.Non-pushy销售人员随时可以回答什么stions, each wearing a badges or button that says "Ask me for a free test drive." A tip: If possible, have equal numbers of salesmen and saleswomen on hand for the event -- some younger, some older. In selling cars, gender and age are issues. Many women resist car salesmen; some men prefer to flirt their way into a new car; older buyers want someone older to whom they can relate, etc. Give everybody a chance to be approached in a way that fits their comfort zone.

    4. Hold a drawing so you can know, at the end of the day, who came to the event. Use the contacts gathered there to extend a special sales offer after the event. The drawing doesn't have to be for a car -- it could be for something you can afford to give to multiple winners -- e.g., a free spare tire, free interior detailing, free tickets to a local sports event, etc.

    5. As a fun activity, let people have their picture taken inside the car of their choice. (The answer to "What will it take to get you in this car today?") Your staff can snap photos with a digital camera and if you position a printer nearby, you can upload and print the photo on the spot. Pin it to a big bulletin board so that guests can see "everyone" is doing this.

    Then, capture the person's email address on the spot by emailing the photo to them as soon as it's on your computer. Or, text it to their phone. Keep that contact information for later follow-up.

    6. When the guest reclaims their clean car, have someone put a sticker on them that says "I am SO appreciated!" When others ask them about the sticker, they'll be able to talk about customer appreciation day at your dealership.

    7. Don't forget good music.

    8. There should be some kind of bonus for those who do buy a car that day -- perhaps a better-than-average trade-in value that's not generally available (or perceived as available) on other days.

    Hope those ideas help you generate a good day.

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