
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For My Boutique

Posted byayleeq23on 250 Points
I am opening a boutique that sales dresses that will cater to non-traditional brides, bridesmaids, prom, special occasion and evening wear. They are made by a local designer, very high end stuff, haute couture. The line is inspired by the classic Romeo and Juliet era, 1800's, 1920's and 30's and some modern designs too. The look here is vintage, romance, and sensuality.
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    "Romantic Era Boutique" is available as

    You could add "The" for "The Romantic Era Boutique".
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    You are selling high class clothing. This is not something you should be selling as a commodity.

    I knew a guy who had a "woodwormer" - it was a small drill to make the flight holes in his antiques. These he sold through some of the smaller auction houses in London.

    As genuine antiques.

    He made a living, but not much more. One day a gentleman asked him about one of them, and being knowledgeable, he answered all the questions with clarity and elan. He mentioned his "repairs" and how these things were made.

    The gentleman was so impressed that he asked how much it might cost to have one specially made, offering a price well in excess of the auction price (!).

    So instead of selling antiques, he sold reproductions. He made a few more in a year and it resulted in him making a substantial income.

    The point of saying this is to remind you of the fact that the skills you have are at a very high level. You aren't just selling off-the peg stuff shipped in from China. You are doing something special, and you need clients that appreciate this.

    A wedding is a very special occasion, as you can imagine, it is worth making memorable - and part of that is, as you know, the fitting and the interaction as the design progresses.

    史蒂夫的想法很好,尽管是容易的answering the question in second place, I can have a go with respect to that. What you need to do is establish your credibility in your name.

    I would suggest "Ayleeq23 & Company, Tailors" - Traditional Tailoring with a Modern Twist.

    "The Yourtown Fashion Company/Boutique" Traditional Designs For A Modern World.

    If those names aren't free as a website, change it slightly if needed. I am sure that is free ;-) ;-) ;-)

    Note: you are aiming at the high end, your bread and butter will be selling more ordinary stuff - still handmade but with less individual fitting, off the peg in other words and perhaps with a dart here and there. You will sell many more of these, only you will not be able to sell them at such a high price. Just my tuppence.

    To your success, Gemma xx
  • Posted byNovaHammeron Accepted
    So inspired by designs from 1500's to today??

    Tell us more... where are you who are your competitors, bricks and mortar and online too?

    Does your designer have any Testimonials / History with other lines?

    So much more needed to help..
  • Posted byayleeq23on Author
    I want to thank everyone for their responses. I will be in the Doral area and want to say I have no competition other than the designer who has a store. No one else sells her stuff but her and now will be me.
  • Posted byNovaHammeron Accepted
    A nice southern reference could be found with Margaret Mitchell's Pulitzer Prize winning and timeless global appeal adventure novel- Gone With The Wind.

    Strong women full of guile can be memorable references...Road To Tara - with a logo of massive columns could be part of your 'Road to " design.

    Good luck.
  • Posted byayleeq23on Author
    Thank you all. I would work with each of your resposes and come up with a name.

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