
Topic: Taglines/Names

Advertising Film Competition- Name And Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hey! I'm organizing an ad film competition for my department and want a creative name and tagline for it. Any suggestions?
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  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted

    "Climbing Mountains" "How can we advertise our Mountain Rescue Department better?"

    "We're All Out" "The film competition of the transport and distribution department"

    "Dining Out" "Top managers are asked for bright ideas to promote their department"

    Not much help, is it? Well, we haven't much to go on because you are only thinking about who you are and what you do. The entire point of marketing is to think not of how you think and what you are doing, it is to think of what your customers are doing. With that you tell everyone who you are thinking about.

    Do that and it will help us enormously. I might even be able to come up with a sensible idea.

    Okay, that would be asking too much of me.

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks, I got it. It's basically intended for the budding and rookie advertising students who want to excel in this field, and they will be given a chance to prove themselves in front of a professional jury. The name has to be like it creates a spark in them.
  • Posted on Author
    It has to be crispy and something with motivational acronym-abbreviation would work too
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member

    the only way you are going to cause a spark is by banging two hard flints against each other.

    You can't do it with only one flint, and you can't do it without any flints at all. Either that or you have a dry stick and some dry timber. Add any water at all and none of it works.

    Having a motivational acronym will have all the effect of soft fudge under their feet if the above are not in place.

    We need more to go on than "students". We need their soft spot. What interests them, what they don't like doing. With that we might get some traction. Until then, the wheels are slipping.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    "It has to be crispy and something with motivational
    acronym-abbreviation would work too."


    Could you be any less vague?

    You're organizing this event, so, are we to presume
    you're an ad student or a member of teaching staff?
    But you can't come up with something creative?

    What's wrong with this picture?

    There are two kinds of hell: regular and extra crispy.
    I suspect this question falls into the latter category.
  • Posted byVisual Clueon Accepted
    2020 ad.- the future of advertising

  • Posted on Author
    alright! i wasn't expecting such rude comments over here. Thanks for ur precious comments. I better burn it to the ground. Just wanted some suggestions and google brought me here. Over and out!
  • Posted on Author
    alright! i wasn't expecting such rude comments over here. Thanks for ur precious comments. I better burn it to the ground. Just wanted some suggestions and google brought me here. Over and out!
  • Posted on Author
    alright! i wasn't expecting such rude comments over here. Thanks for ur precious comments. I better burn it to the ground. Just wanted some suggestions and google brought me here. Over and out!
  • Posted byNovaHammeron Accepted
    Students Nominated Advertising Film Unlimited
    SNAFU awards

    Work with us...

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