
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming A Breakfast

Posted bymurieljedlickaon 250 Points
We are a non profit school for children with learning disabilities looking for a name for an annual development (fundraising) breakfast. Can anyone help?
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  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    Okay, I am going right out on a limb here. It might work though.

    Imagine if all your breakfasters had to have a disability when they ate? Maybe they wouldn't be allowed to use their arms, be blindfold or have to sit in a wheelchair? When they arrive they are told what they can't do.

    Somehow it wouldn't work very well, nonetheless it is worth a thought. There are too many people who think that a disabled person can't enjoy life. You know different.

    "Think what it would be like if you didn't know it was called breakfast"

    Not good, a stab at something that would grab attention. Sorry.

    A few more details would be nice though.

    To your success.


  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    What's the name/location of your school?
    Do you have a website we can look at for ideas?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    What are you trying to communicate with the name? Why not just "[Organization Name] Breakfast?"

    We're going to need more information about the organization and the target audience for the breakfast if we're really going to be helpful to you.
  • Posted bymurieljedlickaon Author
    I appreciate your input and am happy to provide more information. The school's name is Oakwood.
    We are looking to name the annual "event" with something that will endure. So not too theme oriented.
    We believe that when provided with the appropriate teaching methods and nurtured to "believe in what they can do not what they can't do" students with learning disabilities will reach their full potential. We strive to work collaboratively with students, parents and other professionals.
    The target audience will be current and former parents, their guests and educational/business professionals.
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    "We find the best in our pupils, come and discover how"
    "We believe in the best, do your best to support us"

    我们发现你的孩子最好的,做你最好的他lp us do it.

    Any good? Tweak them, send 'em back and the wrecking crew - sorry the Forum specialists - will take a look for you!

    Moriarty xx
  • Posted byVisual Clueon Accepted
    Give us a Break Fast

    Morning Moments

    Good Start

    Toasting Toddlers to Teens

  • Posted bypegon Accepted
    Oakwood's Breakfast of Champions


  • Posted bymurieljedlickaon Author
    Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and suggestions. I think we are off and running!

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