
Topic: Taglines/Names

Cupcake Business Name/tagline

Posted bywait4thenewsboyon 250 Points
My wife and I are wanting to start a home-based cupcake business to bring in some extra income while we're in school. We want to convey a sophisticated/couture, yet trendy/hip vibe with our name and tagline. The name we've come up with is Adam Riley Cupcakes, and the tagline is "Hand-crafted indulgences for all occasions."

Thoughts? Brutal honesty/constructive criticism is more than welcome!
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Cupcakes, as a home-based businesses, have been very popular over the past few years. And many other folks have posted questions like your post. Here is a link to these past questions that may be informative -

    No "brutal honesty" is required as feedback on your business name and tagline choices. They seem fine. The key to success is in your execution, such as great tasting cupcakes, good promotion and distribution, niche marketing strategy, writing a business/marketing plan never hurts. Hope this helps.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    The only thought I had about your tagline is who are you targeting? People who are looking for a substitute for buying a cake, or someone who wants to replace their daily scone/muffin with something more sweet? If the latter, you'll need a tagline that speaks to everyday enjoyment rather than plant the seed for "occasions" (perhaps simply, "Delicious Hand-crafted indulgences").
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    Another side to this in the complex world of cup-cake manufacturing is how you intend making them special. Are your ingredients somehow different, the techniques or a secret recipe? What is the dimension that will set yours apart from the plastic-wrapped mass-market offerings at the local store?

    My take on your positioning (I think that's what the pros around here would call it) is that you're not being specific enough. That will take you away from the special-occasion (as Jay mentions) and more into the "I need a coffee ... and one of those cupcakes would kinda go nicely with it" mood.

    There is one more dimension to this which will help you sort your advertising - and that's to work out who's buying. Speak to them, speak their language and explain why your cupcakes beat the pants off the things they find at the store.

    A few ideas - like, dislike, mix, match

    Freshly made by hand
    So fresh you'll feel the warmth
    They'll still be warm in your hand!* (*these last two depend on whether you really can do this!)
    The smell wafting from our bakery tells you they're fresh.

    More ideas than taglines, anyway, food for thought ;-)

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