
Topic: Social Media

Activity For Fan 100,000

Posted byjimmy.moscosoon 250 Points
我们的一个客户几乎达到100000ns in Facebook. What ideas do you suggest to motivate all the fans to reach the number quickly and provide a prize? One idea was to randomly sort one year of the product within all the fans. The winner should also answer a quick questionnaire about they product and his/her love for it, something to be used as PR material as well.

Any more ideas?
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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    So the goal is to get more people signed up quickly? In that case, offer an award when you reach 100k. But also give people a way to promote the page to their friends, and extra points when they do. Some of these contest pages seem to have a way to do that. Give an extra entry for each friend of the person who has also entered.
  • Posted byjimmy.moscosoon Author
    Thank you Peter. We thought to provide "free" product for X amount of time. But we wanted to give something that gets people talking more about the brand. So, if we follow you correctly, you are suggesting to create a tab with a contest in which the person does something and share it with their friends and whoever gets more points, gets a bigger chance to win the reward?
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    Yes. I haven't looked into details on how it works, but it seems this is possible in Facebook. Many contests I see say that I would get x extra entries for every friend of mine who also enters. The contest then provide a way for the entering person to post about the contest on their timeline, which many people do in the hopes of getting friends to enter (and them getting more entries, but the sponsoring company getting more Likes - all of these contests require that people like the page to enter)
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    Peter's got some astute advice here - I would like to look at this from another direction.

    You've got stacks of likes. That's really valuable information - so leverage that. What did people like and why? Among those who liked you, what else did they like? Putting those two metrics together and you'll find out what motivates likers to like you - and you can put something together especially for them.

    You could have a "fill in the blank" of one of the infographics - and again this could be tailored to the character of your most successful infographic (you're bound to have one).

    BTW if you want to create a tab, you'll need to register it as an app. I guess you'll know that by now ;-)
  • Posted byjimmy.moscosoon Author
    Thank you Moriarty. Yes. We know is an app, just added the name faster. Thank you for your input, very valuable. We are going to look into these options to come up with something for our fans.

    Thank you.
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    If you can give us a glimpse of this, we might be able to brainstorm a little for you.
  • Posted byjimmy.moscosoon Author
    Moriarty, the customer's demographics are ages 16 and up. We have done already lots of activities based on visual material, pictures, videos, etc. One idea is create written content by the fans in a "Quote" form and give prizes to the best 100 quotes that best describe the product. What do you think?
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    As mentioned earlier, you're sitting on a stack of "likes" data. You really need to dig into this and get a real character-profile of your best likers. This will go way beyond vague "ideas" about this and that. It will take you into the realms of concrete facts (in as much as statistics can ever be hard, concrete or facts).

    Questions: what was your most liked/shared/commented on post?
    Who was it that liked it - and who didn't?

    I don't need the specifics, I do need something even if it's pretty general. Because "fans", "product" and "16 and up" do not constitute something that you can focus your ideas on.

  • Posted byjimmy.moscosoon Author
    As you said, to give you the specifics we would have to provide the reports we use to measure all the analytic and metrics we have from the daily activity. However, we I could say in general.

    90% of fans are from Colombia
    Most engaged posts - photo type and status type. E.g. Activities to get a prize shared in a photo, questions like, what you like the most about our sandwiches, etc.
    Fans like music, pop music, like family activities and with friends, interact with the brands at hours like 8-9 am, 3-4 pm.
    All content is in Spanish

    Hope this general info helps you to give us more ideas. We have some already but anything in your mind is welcome.

    Thank you for this great interaction.
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    When you say "we would have to provide the reports we use to measure all the analytic and metrics we have from the daily activity" - you misunderstand my question completely.

    People aren't metrics. Sure, they move metrics - but in Social Media, knowing WHY A METRIC IS MADE is worth 1000x what the data is worth. Because it's not about data. Data is worthless unless you know who made it and why.

    什么是早期爱好者之间的人口(8-9am) and the afternoon likers (3-4pm)??? These questions are crucial. Even if you don't answer me, just splitting the two groups apart will bring you MASSIVE insight into who you're dealing with.

    What do the morning group like for pop that the afternoon group don't? What other likes and dislikes do they have - and what do they have in common???

    My bet is you'll be disappointed by the results. They won't be earth shattering. That's not the point. In social media as in other areas of marketing, one small hinge will move a huge door.

    Now you did let the cat out of the bag with the word 'sandwiches'. What are their favourites? Why? Is there any difference between the AM and PM groups? (You could run timed campaigns for each sub-group to suit their individual needs).

    So take the most liked photo (which are the most popular on Facebook anyway) and make a topical sandwich from that like for each group. Whoever clicks the 100,000th like gets the sandwich of their choice - shaped like a 100,000 of course ;-)

    Am I getting warm? Do you like this approach? Believe me when I told you that you're sitting on a heap of gold. Yet you're gazing into the hills and wondering if there's any up there.
  • Posted byjimmy.moscosoon Author
    Moriarty, I really thank you for your time and comments. Your last approach is very interesting and we have done a similar dynamic in a previous activity. Now, we have decided to go for an app in which we are going to connect all the points of sales or restaurants into a big massive promotion.

    I hope we keep the conversation going in more open discussions.

  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    No probs, I love it when a questioner gets involved, believe me, I learn more than you do! If you want to continue this discussion in private then get in touch via my website. Linkedin is also a good place to get ideas.

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