
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Name For New Handmade Jewllery Website

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I make silver jewellery in Scotland and need a superb name that will make business stand out. I work with silver and gemstones including precious gemstones. I will be selling on etsy and ebay also. Please help me stand out from the crowd.

thank you
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Besides using silver & gemstones, what specifically makes your products stand out? For who? What age? Where are they located? Is being in Scotland related to what you make (are you showing Scottish historical images/archetypes)?
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    Okay, so you don't mind being caught in the headlights ;-) Sorry, that should read "standing out from the crowd"

    So what makes your jewellery special? You make it yourself, that's a huge start - I presume it's sort of special. My guess is that you are too - only I don't know how. That's something you need to share with us.

    You also need to have a good think about who it is that wants to wear your style of jewellery. In what ways are they special? What do they like about the way you design and make things?

    A Wee Dram O' Silver (I do hope that's Scottish, please correct my grammar!!)
    Single Malt Silver
    Silver on Sprey
    弗斯的银- corny but you get the drift!

    There! Now ... over to you for the special stuff.
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Fairings Jewellery
    Fantooshy Jewellery
    Fede Ring Jewellery
    Scot Siller Jewelery

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