
Topic: Taglines/Names

Please Help Realtor Slogan Needed!

Posted by Anonymous on 2750 Points
Hello, and thank you in advance for your time and help. My name is Arthur Lee Charlton IV ( Family name) and I go by Lee. I am a 32 year old realtor, in Northern Virginia. I am concentrating my marketing in three areas, Reston where I currently reside, as well as Vienna and Great Falls. Being fairly new to the industry, I have come to recognize the importance of a easily recognizable identity. I entered into Real Estate after several years in the car business. The appeal of doing things the right way is what enticed me the most. One more day working with the snakes in the car business was more than I could handle. I am a huge college football fan, my favorite team is University of Oklahoma as I am originally from Oklahoma. I have lived in Northern Virginia for the past 25 years. Please let me know there is anything else you need to know that would be helpful.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Member
    Need to understand your positioning before we can help with a slogan. The slogan, if you use one, should reflect the way you want your target audience to perceive you.

    You might start by telling us what makes you different from and better than other realtors in your market. Why should someone turn to you when they are listing/buying real estate?

    Then you might want to tell us who your target audience is? Commercial or residential? Upscale or budget? Local relo or out-of-town? Young families, retirees, somewhere inbetween?

    Are you affiliated with a major real estate office, or are you on your own?

    大量的问题tions. Don't fixate on a slogan too quickly. Let's get the positioning right first. Then the slogan will either prove to be less important or suggest itself as a direct result of the positioning work.
  • Posted byDeremiah *CPEon Member

    Welcome aboard and don't worry about the accidental double post since you're a sooner fan. I lived over five years of my life in Oklahoma and consider Oklahoma my home sweet home. Go BOOMER SOONERS! I must say mgoodman gives you some great advice. If you could answer some of his questions we could begin shouting out more names than you could imagine. Now go for it. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion
  • Posted byDeremiah *CPEon Member
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Member
    mgoodman's advice is as always precisely on-target and you should give us all some answers to his eloquent questions so we can continue to work with you here.

    Meanwhile I am reminded of St Patrick who supposedly banished all the snakes from Ireland. You didn't want to work with Snakes in the car business... St Patrick's Real Estate could be a great name for a business that doesn't allow snakes in it's 'kingdom".

    Yeah, OK, I expect you have named the business after your own and/or business partner's names like 99% of all other real estate agents.

    Worth a thought though.


  • Posted bytjhon Member
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member

    LeeMark Reality


    Trust. Character. Homefinding.
    Professional. Trust. Character.
    Finding Homes -- One At A Time.

    Name Rationale:

    A mark comes from an artisan’s mark, trademark, logotype & MARK, all things that claim brand ownership.

    Hope this helps and best of luck,

    - Steve
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member

    www.leemarkreality.comis available
  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Member
    Didn't someone here already advise against putting your name into the business?

    Although the suggestions for LeeWay, LeeWard, LeeMark and so forth are clever, I wouldn't bother with them.

    My experience with realtors is that you have the relationship with the individual agent, and you keep that relationship no matter what firm they hop into or out of.

    Instead, you might want to focus on how you make your first impression, not on your sign slogan.When you meet someone for the first time, what do you say to tattoo your name into their minds?

    I knew a smart young tech writer named Gina Wartko. The day I met her, she deliberately spelled her last name for me, saying, "...T-K-O, as in Technical Knock Out." I hired her immediately.

    It's a bit like Sean d'Souza's concept of an audio logo.Check out his terrific article.

    ¤ Shelley ¤
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    The vast majority of professional service firms use the name of their founder or founders.

    Accounting, advertising, architectural and both residential and commercial real estate firms typically are successful by using the names of real people for credible branding. My own grandfather founded Joseph T. Byrne Real Estate. I recall promoting the idea of renaming a law firm without using the founding partner’s names. The idea was voted down by the board and later I had to agree with them. Sure there are exceptions, but you may want to keep it simple and go with your name as –

    Arthur Lee Reality

    Arthur Lee Charlton Reality

    Lee Charlton Reality

    Hope this helps,

    - Steve
  • Posted on Member
    I think that this is a great website! I like the you+Lee=your dream home and Lee-Trust, service, professionalism
    The shortest way to your dream home-Lee Charlton
    Choose the scenic route to your dream home-Lee Charlton
    These are compilations of all of the wonderful taglines provided above.
    Good luck to you!
    Your wife

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