
Topic: Student Questions

Customer Experience Dissertation

Posted bykatie_lp22on 50 Points
Hi everyone!

I am currently doing my dissertation on the customer experience in relation to the hospitality industry.

I am reading lots around the subject and am thinking of writing about the key attributes of creating a successful or memorable experience and am using a specific venue in my area as a case study for this.

What am I looking for help with is who I should interview about this and what I should be looking to find out. I work for the company and have lots of resources.

My initial thoughts are to speak to past and future clients with regards to what they think is important when creating a customer experience and asking past clients if they think a memorable experience was created and if not what they could do to improve?


Thanks in advance!
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  • Posted byMike Steffeson Accepted
    "doing my dissertation on the customer experience" Yes, customers, good place to begin.
    Determine their likes...and impressions of what fell short. Then talk to managers, owners, and equipment suppliers to determine the limits of what could be done or made available to increase customer satisfaction.
    This process could give you the existing situation, problems with it, and some ideas about what could be done to help solve those problems/improve those experiences; or at least knowledge of why those issues exist.
    That should be enough of the picture to start writing. Then, use the contacts you've just made to help fill-in the gaps as the appear.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    I'd suggest trying to understand what specific experience was designed and then measuring that specifically. Memorable doesn't equal favorable, and people's memory of things may be quite different from their initial impression.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    In the hotel niche my top recommendation is that you contact Chip Conley, founder of Joie de Vivre

    Either contact his media manager (Debra Amador 415-235-2708, or risk connecting with him via DIRECTLY through Facebook, or Twitter

    Outline who you are, what you're writing to him about, ask if you might arrange a meeting with
    him OR, failing that, a SHORT, TIMED telephone interview.

    Write FIVE questions that get to the meat of the matter. As which of his staff would be good connections. Read his book (which is called PEAK), and do so BEFORE you contact him, and go from there. Learn more here:

    Good luck to you.

    OR ... failing ALL THIS, drop me a line and I'll send you an mp3 recording of an hour-long interview he did with an associate of mine three years ago.

  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    ... that ought to be "Ask which of his staff would be good connections."

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