
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Pet Gps Device

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Hey Everybody!

Starting a new company that will offer a pet monitoring service by GPS. I was wanted to ask you all for suggestions on a good name for the device itself, two names I´ve thought of are SAFE PET and PET ID. Suggestions?

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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    How about "Here, Doggie!" ?
  • Posted on Author
    hmmmmmm....not quite there. Thanks but try again!
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    As for your two name suggestions, "SafePet" is too broad and could point to several different core benefits. And "Pet ID", although it could be related to the GPS function, it could also just be a dog tag on a collar.

    Other naming (and keyword) solutions currently visible in the marketplace include — tracker, trackr, tagg, tails, paws and of course e-something such as eTracker.

    The best solution for you will convey the primary benefit your product provides that these other competitors do not provide. Lacking any such product differentiating input from you, perhaps something like "Lost Pet Trackr" will suffice.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks, but I don't want to name the product with a negative cognotation of having your pet lost like Lost Pet Tracker, but its a good try. Thanks...I have thought of will be a candidate.
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    Pet Finder
    Pet Locator
    eLocator (for Pets)
    Pet Spotter
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    I was thinking along the lines of GPetS - but it didn't quite work ;-)


    How about -


    My other thought is how would want one of these - is it a mobile tracking device for going on long walks with the dogs off the lead? Is it for cats who habitually stray (toms especially)? Or is it primarily aimed at people who've actually lost their pets?

    With this in mind

    NoLead (not very clever, but you might get some ideas from it for owners who just like romping their dog as we did - and once we did have a worried night - and our very muddy dog was returned the next day having chased a stag half way across Gloucestershire)

    FreePet (the idea's that you can let the pets off the lead and not worry about losing them)

    What do you think? Any further information or thoughts can help us clear our minds in your direction.

  • Posted bysaul.dobneyon Accepted
    Pet Pointer


    PetTrick / PetTrack / PetTrak / PetTrek


  • Posted on Author
    谢谢你所有的想法。我要解释一下more the business idea. This will me a full pet monitoring system for a South American country. The name of the product is for the GPS device for pets, intended for knowing where you dog or cat is at any given time, being home, left for an unauthorized walk or stolen (happens here). The service will be charged by a monthly fee, offering at first the GPS service and in the short term some other goodies to keep the other family members safe.

    I do want the name of the device in english, not spanish, but must be simple and would love a word game. ePet, Safety Pet and eTracker...Still not convinced. Like the name eTagg but they are similar to existing product.

    More ideas? Thanks everybody!
  • Posted bywired3on Accepted
    Could you clarify if this GPS product will work from or with a mobile phone/remote control or a home system?
  • Posted on Author
    The GPS will be tracked on web interface (Mac-PC) and on mobile platforms (iOS and Android).
  • Posted bysaul.dobneyon Member



    eCollar / iCollar

    Peteye / eyePet


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