
Topic: Advertising/PR

Starting An Entrepreneurial Business: Sports Mktg. - How To Start - Books, Courses, Etc.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear Mktg. frnz,
Your help led me decide that my interest was actually SPORTS MKTG (My earlier Q was-Business with combination of sports & advertising..). Now i wish to kick start & i'm trying on my level. But i want some of your experts advices.
ANy books, sites, articles, online courses or other resources will be highly instrumental. I believe one must be well equipped with Brand mgmt, advertising, PR & mktg skills (is it true). ALso how imp is networking & communication skills & how can i improve upon them, specially if i 'm an introvert.
THANKS IN ADVANCE. >>>helping shape a life.

Kunal kalia
New Delhi
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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    If Sports Marketing is in its infancy in your market, look at countries where it is highly developed. See a list of resources.

    观看电影《甜心先生》(汤姆·克鲁斯,蕾妮Zollweger, should be available of video or DVD) for a dramatised view of how it works.
    Source of the phrase "show me the money" - the sports marketers mantra.

    Check with your tertiary academic institutions to see what courses are being offered. Here's one from NYU, but it's going to be tailored for the US market.;jsessionid=IHUGRW410ZV...but at least it will give a yardstick to compare against lcal courses.

    Pick a sport... Often marketers come from a sport where they have played- are you good at any particular sport? Do you understand one sport better than another? The world is full of Golf and Soccer marketers - what do you know about jai alai, curling or lacrosse? What are the key sports in India (apart from Cricket)?

  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    There are many, many different facets of sports marketing. From athlete representation, sports memorabilia, sports magazines, sports television, product endorsements, sport team licensing, ...the list goes on and on.

    I recommend you take a hard look at what you like about sports. What is your favorite? What kind of work to you want to get into (see some of the examples above)? Narrowing down to a specific area will help you concentrate where to focus your learning efforts...making your time better spent than by just taking "general" courses etc.

    After you do that, start evaluating why you picked the particular arena(s). Keep asking yourself "Why", "Why", "Why". A good strategy for this is in an article by Michael Fischler, founder and principal consultant of Markitek (


    I think the above will help you get started in the right direction. You can always come back to the forum for more advice. As a matter of fact, this site has a ton of tutorials...go to the home page and check out the links.

    As far as the introvert "conversion", I would have to say the same thing as Sharon. Taking a public speaking course is an excellent way to conquer those fears. The only way to get over it is to do it. Taking a course will force you to stand in front of the class and talk with other students. You can also do a similar thing by simply taking the initiative to start conversations with people you don't know while you are out shopping etc. Make yourself get out there and used to talking to people.

    Here are some other links you may find useful. One is to a popular sports marketer, the other is to a sports marketing journal/magazine.

    Good Luck! I think it is an awesome field to get into. VERY lucrative and of course...competitive!

    - Jett Enterprises, Inc.
  • Posted byReadCopyon Accepted
    Some more sites to check out: "leading publisher of sports marketing and sponsorship information" "integrated sports marketing"

    另外,我我们uld seriously consider thinking of some sports teams you really like or admire, find their website, find who their marketing director/manager is and contact them for some advice!

    Good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of marketing.

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