
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Portable Wifi Gadget

Posted bySir_Lagaloton 125 Points
Need a name for a new Wifi gadget. trouble is the name has to be prefixed with "cloud". this is a sequel device. the predecessor portable WiFi cloud was just a portable hotspot you could carry around. This cloud on the other hand also has storage, as in not only do you have wifi everywhere you go with this gadget in your pocket but you can access a memory card inside the gadget through wifi too.

anyhow, the device is about the size of a playing card, but thicker. as i mentioned , this is a follow up cloud, i didnt like the cliched names suggested by my of which was "cloud extreme"..the other since the device offers storage was "cloud stash" and the third was "cloud share".. since many users can connect and access the memory card.

Please recommend a mentioned above, has to be prefixed with Cloud. The USP here is the storage that you can share and access over wifi too.

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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    So who is the primary target audience for this device? Can you isolate the core benefit? What is the compelling reason your target audience might want this device? How will it enrich their lives? What will this displace?

    The more narrow the target audience, and the more specific the positioning benefit, the better able we will be to come up with a great name. It's more important for us to understand the target audience and the positioning benefit than it is to understand the technology magic.

    Is "Cloud" a must, or will you consider a great name that doesn't start with "Cloud?" ("Cloud" sounds too much like technology, and it is fast becoming so ubiquitous as to be invisible.)
  • Posted bySir_Lagaloton Author
    unfortunately the target audience isnt narrow at all in this case, it is absolutely anyone who requires internet access on the go, whether youngsters or affluent professionals who require fast speed internet access all over the country. Many people run out of space on their phones memory cards, carrying this cloud allows them an extra 32 GB of space, allows them to share their content with anybody else (the device allows 5-6 simultaneous connections, and provides them with an internet hotspot. So basically a cloud in every sense of the word , both internet and storage wise. It is a sleek black device with an LCD screen on it.

    As mentioned, our management would like to link it to the predecessor , and unfortunately the name needs to start with "Cloud" which is why we are having trouble coming up with a great name due to the restriction.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Cloud To Go


    你会怎么做self a favor, though, to narrow your focus. Your primary target audience is NOT everyone connected to the internet or everyone with a smart phone. It's a small slice of folks who are pushing the envelope in their need for mobile access to the internet -- whether because they need it for work or they are really into the technology. Perhaps 10% of all mobile device users. And they probably only live in countries that have high internet connectivity. Etc.

    When you have too broad a target it's difficult/impossible to deliver a meaningful message to each person, so you end up sub-optimizing and delivering a diluted message to everyone. Not smart marketing.

    Have you done a concept test of this idea? If so, you might want to look at the findings in a disaggregated way. That will point you to the 20% of your target audience who will represent 80% of your business (for this product). If not, that's the place to start.
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
  • Posted bysaul.dobneyon Accepted






  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Cloud 9
    Local Cloud
  • Posted bytcgrenon Accepted
    First thing that same to mind was "cloudburst" but Saul was too quick on his response.


  • Posted bytcgrenon Member
    One last brain spasm: CloudControl

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