
Topic: Taglines/Names

Expo Activity Name/title Help!

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We have an Expo coming up in November and have laid the framework for an activity that will take place for a certain duration during the Expo.

Group Leaders will sponsor a table (there will be 20+) and will be given the opportunity to have a "speed dating" set up with attendees. The attendees will be given a passport to be stamped by the group leader by visiting their table/having a conversation. Once their passport is completed they'll have the option to obtain drink tickets with it.

Group Leader Speed Dating isn't working for us - hoping to having something cheeky and catchy. I thought of Group Leader Matchmaking - but we didn't love that either.

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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    Might be some ideas in this prior question:
  • Posted on Author
    KSA——该组织领导人是房地产的领导人Investing Associations. The idea of this activity is to allow them to network with attendees and get them to join their groups/chapters. They get to sponsor a "speed dating" table - which gives us space to have more sponsors on the booth floor, and the attendees get to obtain drink tickets simply by engaging. The attendees are those in the real estate investment industry, service providers, entrepreneurs, etc. Hope this helps!
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Can you do a play off of the game of Monopoly - where each table is a "property" and when you go around the whole "board" you can "pass go" and collect a drink? Perhaps call it "Drinkopoly"?

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