
Topic: Branding

Need Help With Nameing A 55+ Real Estate Agency

Posted byjkurth1on 500 Points
Ready to start a new Real Estate Company- looking for help with a catchy name our location is in SOuthern California and we cater to 55+ age group
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I'd start this process by interviewing 12-15 folks in the target audience -- perhaps several who recently sold/bought/rented, and a few who listed in the last 30 days. Find out why they chose the realtor they did, what they liked/disliked about the process, how they would like to see it improved, etc.

    Don't try to convince them of anything. Just ask your high-gain questions, listen carefully and take detailed notes. Pay special attention to the words they use. Then, after you have at least a dozen interviews under your belt, step back and review your notes. Your naming project answer will jump out at you. (Note: Face-to-face interviews work best.)

    We've done this for scores of clients over the years, and it really works. We were skeptical at first, but we kept at it and it always yields good results. Of course, we'll never know if there was a better name that would have occurred if we interviewed 3 or 4 more people, but the clients were always satisfied -- even amazed.

    Give it a try. Or if you are unsure of yourself as an interviewer hire a market research professional to do it for you. For something this important it wouldn't hurt to at least get some pointers from a professional before you begin.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    What was your thinking in catering to the 55+ group? What needs do they have about buying/selling real estate that are not well handled by the "others guys"? Are staff also 55+ years old? How does your demographic refer to themselves: seniors, 55+, golden age investors, retirees, or something else?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Why does this name have to be "catchy"?
  • Posted byjkurth1on Author
    I currently work in a retirement area, and don't want to relocate, just want to go out on my own.

    The reason that I wnat a catchy name, is I feel that more people may remember the name if it's somewhat different..
  • Posted bycookmarketing@gmail.on Accepted
    your name - Active Adult Community Realtor
  • Posted byjkurth1on Author
    I am a SRES
  • Posted byShelley Ryanon Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!

