
Topic: Branding

Branding A Monthly Giving Program

Posted bysstaffeldon 250 Points
我们是一个非营利性组织与任务的保证families have the means to meet their basic needs. We offer programs designed to help people get a new or better job (English as a Second Language, Employment Services, Financial Education); assist families facing financial crisis avoid homelessness (rent, utility, medical, dental and transportation assistance); assure children an improved school experience (school supplies and clothing); and provide value to our member congregations and the community through helping services and volunteerism.

We serve over 6,000 families each year with an annual operating budget of $4M. We have a small number of monthly donors and want to launch an official monthly giving program and need a good name! Our annual fund program is named Champions for Families, so we want to avoid any confusion with this existing program. Our org tagline is "Together we build a caring community." Our supporters are very humble and faithful people. Any ideas on a name that evokes a warm fuzzy feeling?
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  • Posted byMike Steffeson Member
    Month to Month for Families
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Everyday Help
    The Power of 12
  • Posted bysstaffeldon Author
    Thanks Mike and Jay for responding to my question! Mike, we really liked Month to Month for Families, but felt two 'families' campaigns might be too much. Jay, we loved The Power of 12 and plan to develop messaging to go along with this idea. Thanks for your help.

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