
Topic: E-Marketing

Marketing To Schools

Posted byBSFNS2 25 Points
We offer onsite conferences in various cities across the United States training educators on various topics. Our basic mode of advertising has been email campaigns to alert who we believe to be the ones who would make the decision to send their educators to our conferences. We also have a presence on social media. As with any form of advertising, we have found email campaigns and a social presence to be a hit or miss with increasing conference registrations. Does anyone who has experience advertising to k-12 schools know of more effective ways for us to alert educators of scheduled local conferences? Thanks.
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  • Posted byGary Bloomer Accepted
    Direct mail.
  • Posted bytelemoxie Accepted
    There have been a number of discussions on this forum over the years on the subject of schools. You can find links to them by doing a Google search on:


    Regarding finding an expert, if you think through some of those old questions, you may find someone giving great advice. Maybe they have the expertise you are looking for. You may be able to look them up here on this forum, and contact them directly.
  • Posted byShelley Ryan Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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