
Topic: Branding

Dissertation Topic

Posted byashwaryas76on 50 Points
I have thought about some dissertation topic, but are they too broad or can I do my dissertation on them?

- An investigation based on brand awareness in the indian food industry
- Brand strategy and brand communication to build bran equity for Indian food chains
- Successful brand strategies for distribution of food products in Norway
- Globalisation in food business: Building the brand.

So basically I'm going to write my dissertation which will help my family firm to build up there brand. Its going to be a take - away concept of indian food. - is that going into indian food industry or food chain.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Have you consulted with your advisor?
  • Posted byashwaryas76on Author
    not yet, but i wanted to know what you guys think about it. is it too broad or not? which one do you think i should go for?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon 主持人
    #3 seems like it could work. Once you start researching it you may find ways to focus on some more-specific aspect of the topic ... like IMPORTED food products, ASIAN food products, NON-PERISHABLE food products, RETAIL distribution, etc.

    The more narrowly you focus the topic, the easier it will be to draw useful/meaningful conclusions from your research.
  • Posted byashwaryas76on Author
    What about this then:

    An investigation based on brand awareness for distribution of Indian food products to build brand equity
    Successful brand strategies for distribution of Indian food products in Norway or UK.

    so the secondary data will be to analyse data on Indian food market either in Norway or uk.

  • Posted byMike Steffeson Member
    Senior project, masters, or doctorate level dissertation?
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    I am not a branding expert. However, it sounds to me as though you are considering some nebulous topics which might be very difficult to quantify.

    If I were in your situation, I would ask myself, "what can I measure with respect to branding of Indian food?" For example, the amount of shelf space a particular brand has on a particular store can be measured, but a perception of a brand is much more difficult to measure. After you have a list of five or more specific things related to branding which you can measure, this may help you decide on a research direction and topic. Good luck.
  • Posted byashwaryas76on Author
  • Posted bymgoodmanon 主持人
    How about: "strategies for distribution of Indian food products in Norway"

    No need to conclude a priori that branding is the only possible strategy. You may conclude that the cost of an aggressive branding strategy would exceed the benefit in a relatively small market like Norway. Also, how would you judge or measure success? How will you know when a strategy has been successful?

    Think about the methodology you would employ for a given topic. You may discover that a methodology isn't feasible, so there isn't much point in considering that topic. In a sense, select the topic based on what you would need to do to properly address the embedded issues. And don't prejudge the findings or conclusions from your research.
  • Posted byMike Steffeson Accepted
    You probably want to work toward extending or deepening Marketing's understanding of existing knowledge. So, take the following concept (here, as you stated it) and pull it back just a bit: "Successful brand strategies for distribution of Indian food products in Norway or UK." How about, "Analysis of brand strategies for distribution of Indian [common food product of your choice] in Norway or UK."?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    "An investigation based on brand awareness for distribution of Indian food products to build brand equity" ... to do what? Awareness of which brands? Awareness of which aspects of which brands? Awareness that will tell you what?

    How will your dissertation help your family firm its brand?

    How does your family firm currently connect with buyers? What could you do to reach more people? What's the story of the family business? How do you tell this story at the moment and how could you tell it in the future, based on what you learn?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Apologies: that ought to be "How will your dissertation help your family firm position its brand?"
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Ask yourself what the action standard should be before you lock in on the wording and scope of the project. What would you have to learn in order to make a decision that would have a significant positive impact on the business? When you can answer that question, the specific topic will become clear.

    Without understanding the action standard first, you are likely to expend a lot of time and energy without accomplishing much of value for the business.
  • Posted byShelley Ryanon 主持人
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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