
Topic: Branding

Examples Of Mixed Branding

Posted bymarine.santangelion 250 Points

我想to know if someone could give me a precise definition of what"mixed-branding" is (I find different definitions on the internet and do not know which is the right one), and some example of companies/brand using this practice.

Thank you,

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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    The fact that you're getting different answers from different sources suggests that this is a question of semantics, not of substance. I've been a branding consultant for many moons, and I've dealt with a lot of what you would call "mixed branding." I've never used the term myself, and I always ask clients to explain their issue to me without using jargon.

    Why are you asking about the definition? What would you do with the response if we could come up with a universally-accepted (i.e., "precise") definition? (Don't worry. We can't.)
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    How about this example: a former client of mine did both graphic design and printing. They marketed and sold the graphic design and printing services to a particular vertical market under one brand name. They sold printing services to graphic design firms and advertising agencies under a different brand name. They did not want to position themselves as competitors to their graphics design and advertising agency clients.

    The company had two distinct sales teams, one dedicated to each market. But all the production was done under one roof.
  • Posted byShelley Ryanon Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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