
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name My Healthy Salad Fast Casual Restaurant.

Posted bysheilljon 250 Points
Ok all, I just leased a fantastic closed café that was located in an old gas station. Busiest commercial traffic corner in our upscale town - solid traffic all day and next to a McDonald's. Blue collar, white collar, tourists, everybody drives by here. Nice building with one of those huge roof structures covering the area in front of the building. Primarily carryout but room for 15 - 20 inside and huge potential outside seating in summer under the canopy. Menu is healthy salads served similar to a Subway, Chipotle or Qdoba down a line prepared in front on you as you pick out your ingredients. Clear biodegradable packaging, Salads in big clear bowls, fast service, all fresh local produce and meats, etc. Also will be offering soups and sandwiches. For drinks a variety of lemonades, cold teas, water and locally made popular soda pop. Possible smoothies too. Hours from 10Am to 8PM. Emphasis is on healthy fresh big salads with a huge assortment of ingredients right in front of you to add to the salad.
The building and canopy is basically an open canvas ready to implement a consistent theme inside and out.
The name is the dilemma. The franchises have all the usual- Salad Station, Sweetgreens, The Big Salad, Salad Depot, Chopt, Tender Greens, Just Salad, and on and on.
I have to submit plans to the city and of course need a consistent theme inside and out. I have brainstormed the name with others but so far nothing seems to work.
Not opposed to the gas station either - although most are quite common - Filling Station, Garage, unless you can come up with a new unique variation.
Anyway will greatly appreciate any and all responses as I am anxious to expedite this business.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    What's the name of the town/region?
    How will your café be better/different from your local competition?
  • Posted bysheilljon Author
    谢谢你的回应。该地区是密歇根州北部igan. We will separate ourselves from the competition by implementing superior customer service and quality of food. We have over 35 years experience in restaurant management, complete training program for employees with exceptional high emphasis on customer experience. The restaurant will be spotless, smiling efficient employees, quality of food similar to fine dining establishments but salads, soup and sandwich. Attention to detail. Everyone has salads but not with this fast casual format. The salad franchises are very successful in other parts of the country.
  • Posted bychiron34on Accepted
    As a first thought provoker, I would go with the gas station theme, as I am assuming (which is often a dangerous move) that the gas station has been in place for a relatively long time and is therefore a well-known local business landmark:

    Gas Station Salads
    ... No fossil fuels here, just unique made-to-order healthy snacks, salads & meals!

    Hi-Octane Salads
    ... Fill-up with unique, made-to-order healthy snacks, salads & meals!

  • Posted bysheilljon Author
    Yes gas station been there for awhile. Typical rectangle flat roof building (nothing architectural memorable) with that big flat roof in front supported by 6 columns. Not opposed to gas station theme but probably a bit more subtle than "high octane salads".
  • Posted bysheilljon Author
    Also would add that not looking for any gimmick type name. Employees not going to wear mechanics uniforms. The "gimmick" will be the exceptional food and service available in a clean modern bright environment - maybe a bit art deco. Not sure.
    Thanks again for the responses.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Given your investment in location & training & materials, I'd likewise suggest spending your resources to get the name "right". In the meantime, here are a few names to get you thinking:

    SalSouSand (Salads + Soups + Sandwiches)
    The Salad Line
    Assembly Salads
  • Posted bysheilljon Author
    Jay yes obsessing with getting the "right" name is a tough one. Look at the big names - Wendy's, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A, Shake Shack, the list is endless. Is it more important to just not get the name wrong? Keep it simple yet memorable.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    I'd try to use a name that makes the place sound like a local treasure ... by incorporating the name of the city/town or some local landmark or hero, or a nickname associated with the town. Something like:

    [CityName] Salad Center

    [CityName] Salad Station

    [CityName] Super Salad

    You could use UP as the "CityName," but UP doesn't sound like a beloved community -- too large an area to be considered "local."
  • Posted bysheilljon Author
    Adding the name in front is a good idea. Salad Station is best name but is a franchise. What do you think of (Local Name) Salad Company?
  • Posted bysheilljon Author
    Grand Traverse Pie Company is a huge success up here. (Grand Traverse is the County).
    Another is a cherry products retail company - Cherry Republic. (Cherry Capital of US here).
    Some more food for the thought process.
  • Posted byMike Steffeson Member
    Canopy Salad Station
    Canopy Salads
  • Posted bysheilljon Author
    Thanks for the comments. Not sure about Canopy.....
  • Posted byMike Steffeson Member
    It's your most visible feature, a landmark type thing. People like easy descriptive descriptions.
    Think Golden Arches...look where they went...
  • Posted bysheilljon Author
    Thanks Mike. I understand your idea please correct me if I am wrong but Mcdonalds is named Mcdonalds not Golden Arches Hamburgers. Seems like a canopy is not a significant enough landmark unlike White Castle Hamburgers, Bayview Bar & Grill, Mountaintop Inn, Stonehouse Restaurant, etc. But what do I know?
  • Posted byMike Steffeson Accepted
    That concept doesn't resonate with you. That's okay. But do keep in mind that it's your customers that get to decide.
    Maybe you can come up with a local naming contest. I'd make it non-binding, though, so you don't end up with Canopy McCanopyface or some such.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    I still kind of like "Grand Traverse Salad Station" because it is simple and includes three important elements:

    1. Reference to the location and an indication that it's a local business/treasure.

    2.普罗明的ent word "Salad" which tells folks what you do/deliver, and a suggestion of fresh/healthy food.

    3. Reference to the service station heritage of your location.

    I am not an attorney, but I have been involved in dozens of naming projects over the years. I think there's a decent chance a trademark attorney would advise that the risk you'd be taking is small/manageable. If I'm wrong, either "Grand Traverse Salad Company" or "Grand Traverse Salad Emporium" would be a good fallback.
  • Posted bysheilljon Author
    Salad Station is definitely best but there is a very large franchise with that same name and I would not want to get in a battle on that one. Salad Company is next choice and trademark safe. The next question is "Grand Traverse Salad Company" too long of a name? What do you think of Traverse Salad Company or TC Salad Company as in Traverse City?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    How about combining Traverse + Salad to get TraverSalads (or TraverSalad Company)?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    The length of the name doesn't bother me, but just "Traverse" would probably be OK. Do locals refer to "Traverse" or is it always "Traverse City" or "Grand Traverse?"
  • Posted bysheilljon Author
    Everyone refers to name with all three of those. I think about the same for each or close.
  • Posted bysheilljon Author
    thanks all. Much appreciated.
  • Posted byShelley Ryanon Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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