
Topic: Student Questions

How To Measure The Effectiveness Of Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
how to measure either the impact/effectiveness of marketing in travel agents.
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  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Member
    hi twinkle_lesle,

    welcome to KHE, have you read the important guidelines?//

    We areNOTa homework factory, but we are willing to you, but firstYOUmust do some work.

    做some searching, if you don’t find anything go towww.googleguide.comand take the beginner tutorial.

    You can also use the search questions link (to your right when you sign in)//

    Key word you might use to search are:

    " measure marketing"

    " measure roi"

    " measure return on investment "

    'measure return investment travel agent roi"

    (with out the quotation marks)

    also go to the roi/metrics part of the site and read some of the past questions:


    We are willing to help but you must do most of the work ,the information is right in front of you all you need to do is learn to open your eyes and grab it ( don’t copy or you will get caught and kicked out of university)

    if you need further help on asking a (better) question on khe feel free to contact me and i will try my best to help you get the most out of the forum.

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    One earlier question that covers this subject some is://

    The basic theory in measuring marketing effectiveness is to determine what you want to improve by doing more marketing (generally sales or profits), how you would measure this over time (including what it was before you started doing anything), and then looking at the cost of the marketing program to determine if it was worth doing.

    There are definite challenges to implementing this, such as tracking how a new customer heard about you. This is still more art than science.

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