
Topic: Advertising/PR

Wording A Letter To Give Heads-up That Our Patent Was Granted And That Infringers Be Wary

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
A former employee has begun to produce a knock-off product and sell on price. We received a patent on our system three weeks ago.
I want to send an annoucement style letter to the local housing industry (they have been our first & test market for the past 10 years).
My intention is to provide warning that we will defend our patent by anyone who is infringing but careful to not be publishing anything that appears to carry a threatening tone to it.
Our brand is one of class and distinction. I'd like to keep the communicae in the same flavor.
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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Member

    Why not draft someting and paste it in here, then we can comment on it and suggest improvements?

  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    This can be a touchy issue. "Knock-offs" can get around patents legally by altering only a few minor details of the product, making enforcement quite difficult.

    I viewed your site and must say I am impressed with the product ( please send me some pricing info). In addition, since your product is cast, it will be quite easy to legally make similar products that vary ony in name, designs, and application methods. It's just par for the course with any popular product.

    Assuming this employee does not have the resources to manufacture, advertise or sell on the level you do...and assuming he/she does not have the existing rapport with your industry contacts, I don't think you will have much to worry about. Your retail clients will want consistancy and reliability. If this former employee is making a "form" of the product out of their garage, it is unlikely the will survive very long.

    As far as a letter, I would make it in the form of a positive announcement, product update, or thank you letter (mentioning the word "PATENTED" several times) and address the patent infringement warning at the end...something like "Watch out for imitations.." and/or place a basic statement at the bottom of the letter addressing the patent # and stating "All Patents will be protected to the fullest extent of the law".

    以这种方式这样做将显示您的类security. YOu do not want retailers thinking you are unstable, insecure or using them as backboard to rebound knock-offs. Support your brand and start using the word "patented" in all literature and product packaging. I think you will be fine,

    Good Luck!

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