
Topic: E-Marketing

Online Seminar Or Webinar?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are interested in training sleep deprived people to sleep. We have conducted live seminars and now would like to produce an online interactive seminar for interested participants. Any suggestions as to the best way to go about doing this? We would like to produce a great product.
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  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Member
    Not looking for any points here, but I just had to say that it's nice to finally see a seminar that is SUPPOSED to put you to sleep. Most of them seem to do that unintentionally.

    Hmmm. Will your marketing say, "This seminar is guaranteed to make you sleepy"?

    Seriously, I bet there are a lot of people searching for this kind of help. Good luck with your seminar.

  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    Hi hross,

    Contact the people at Bulldog Solutions.

    Tell them you are a MarketingProfs member and were referred to them by MP's Know-How Exchange.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted bysammykarijon Accepted
    I'm not selling anything but I would tell you not to put any powerpoints presentations on the net. Use live seminars only if you are certain you will get many subscribers then you can record and sell it recorded.

    But before you go the way of online seminars you will need to build credility with your website and newsletters. Then they will not mind spending cash on you.

    Do you have a great content website about sleeping disorders ? If not start there.

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