
Topic: Taglines/Names

Combined Consulting/software Product

Posted byChris Blackmanon 500 Points
The subject is a consulting firm which is in partnership with a software developer

The software is a suite of products deployed enterprise-wide which enables the user to create strategic execution frameworks using strategy maps, flow charts, linked KPI maps, etc, all using the integrated mapping tools. Metadata attached to the map elements allows the client's strategic objectives to be measured and the strategic measures can be linked via SQL to external systems (ranges from Excel spreadsheets to SAP, Oracle, pretty much anything) which means the map elements can be green (OK) amber (warning) or red (outside the specified range).

The software company ishere

The consulting company engages with the client company and sells a workshop-based process of identifying the key strategic objectives, developing the metadata and measures, and integrating those with the software system using the client's management team, so learning about the process is transferred to the client.

Essentially, the process needs a name: Something which describes it's function, which is an "Execution Framework", would be good. But "Framework" is consultant-speak, and there must be a better word than that. What we need is a name that a client says "Aha, sounds like just what I need" when they hear it.

The outcome for the client is superior execution, more focused management, better alignment between marketing and operational divisions, while the mix of leading and lagging measures provides an early-warning of potentially missing the targets set within strategic objectives...

So, what would you call that?

And how would you tagline it?

Look forward to your ideas!

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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Author

    Thanks for the quick response.

    实际上,“PulseMonitor (TM)已经的名字one of the modules in PulseSuite[TM], the software system. So, yes, good name, but sadly, already in use!

    Is there something sinister in the term "execution? It's certainly the word we've been using so far; sounds much crunchier than "implementation" which has a neo-Gothic feel about i.

    "Decision" is, I feel, the wrong etymological pathway. This isn't about deciding, it's about bringing all the loose ends together in a way that makes them easier to understand and work with.

    Assurance - is a good word, gives confidence - but is it something the client "gets"? Or does it sound like "insurance" which far too passive a concept for this - this is a very powerful, dynamic framework (Oh, that word again!)...


  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Author
    Premonitor combines the right ideas, i.e. monitor/premonition - but the combination doesn't convey the concept of effective execution. It might be a good name for a home pregnancy test though... I don't get "Chopperview" - where does the "Chopper" part come in? In any case, in Australia "Chopper" would make most people think of Mark "Chopper" Read, a gangland hit-man who has served his time and now writes childrens books (yup, seriously!)

    Yes, the PulseSuite[TM] software IS a dashboard and it DOES have a database. But it's a name for the lead-in consulting work that we need to coin.

    It's a label for that intellectual component, the ethereal framework/process that is eluding us. I guess you could say we are trying to "productize" the management consulting IP to be able to almost put it into a box the client can understand, to make it tangible, comprehensible.

    I think other organizations selling Balanced Scorecard consulting and implementation have the same problem... All of us are selling a strategic planning deployment "technique" or methodology/framework. Balanced Scorecard as a name just is not action-orientated enough. Probably one of the reasons it hasn't caught on significantly in the fifteen years since its inception. Fact is, the umm... framework behind it is brilliant when correctly, umm.. executed!

    I realise this is a very difficult concept. Thanks for the ideas, but we're not there yet!

  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Author
    Wow... These are magical ideas from everyone.

    But somehow I'm not really getting an "aha" factor.

    I think the problem here is not in naming the software component, which has the quite adequate name of "PulseSuite [TM]".

    The real problem is one of explaining the concept of an Effective Strategic Execution Framework.

    In fact, it's probably the "F" word - Framework - that's really the problem. It smacks of consultants. And we all know how companies really don't want to start thinking of solutions that have to be implemented by consultants. They want something that just works.

    Strategy that just works.

    Strategy that just happens.

    Strategy that delivers itself.

    I'm not sure if we're even getting warm, but I am sure that if we can crack this nut, everyone reading this thread will be able to use it to help their own consulting business, whether it has a marketing, strategic business or any other emphasis.

    Thanks everyone for your inputs so far.

    "I don't know what I want, but I am sure I'll know it when I see it!

  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Author

    Thanks for some truly great ideas, and apologies for seeming to have dropped out of the conversation.

    We are hosting an Melbourne tomorrow and that has taken precedence over all else.

    We'll take all of these suggestions to discuss with our software partner, and we'll workshop them through to conclusion!



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