
Topic: Website Critique

Review Before Ad Campaign

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We are getting ready to run a very focused B2B ad campaign using both print and online programs that will send interested parties to our site:

The goal of the campaign is lead generation with an emphasis of building awareness for who we are and the services we offer. We are currently testing some options for the site prior to launching the campaign. So, I'd like some feedback on our website. Can you please visit and then answer a couple of questions?

1. What is your overall impression of the site? (Navigation, Look and Feel)

2. What page do you think provides the best information about us?

3. On the strategy page, would you want the link to our blog open a new window or navigate away from the site to read?

4. For our experience, would you prefer to see logos or are the names (SAP, Cisco, etc.) enough?

5. Are the Direct Impact Case studies helpful or typical marketing garbage?

6. What are your thoughts on the Contact Us page?

7. Is there anything you expected to see that wasn't on the site?

Any feedback is appreciated and I thank you for helping us out.


Impact Interactions
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  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    If "The goal of the campaign is lead generation", then your site might not generate the interest that you think. Placing the odd " Click here ... " that points to the common contact us page never seems to offer enough "what is in it for me if I share my personal information" mindset of many of the people in the demographic you are targeting.

    I would consider a different tact. Provide something they can use, even if they never become your client. Either a small trinket, or some type of white paper, tied to you and your services, but something that is worth their while to provide you information about themselves that you can use in your sales funnel.

    Just a quick thought as I'm in between meetings. I also have some thoughts on landing pages that match your advertising, but I'm out of time at the moment.

    Good Luck
  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    You definitely have an incompatibility issue with FireFox. We have all been hearing for years about the importance of cross-browser checking, this is why.

    Bad color scheme on the "home page" which isn't really a home page and isn't really a landing page either. Not sure what it is, but you need to change it to something that provides a more informative experience for the user that hits it and stares at it for the 8 seconds they will allow before they bail.

    The rest of the site needs to get some life, too much text, get rid of the thick bold font.

    The simplicity is nice, keep this philosophy, but you are not really giving the reader a compelling reason to investigate you services in any more depth.

    I agree with the other comments, so I won't repeat, but I think you are getting some great feedback here, better now than when you are "go-live" with your new campaign!

    I hope that helps.

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