
Topic: Research/Metrics

How Can I Gain Experience In Market Research?

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
I have been working in Marketing Research for 3 1/2 years. I manage an in-house department with two direct reports. My company is principally a distributor of durable medical equipment, and we have nearly 600 employees.

我开始作为一个市场调研实习,我和was promoted to a full-time analyst position one year later while I was still in college. A year after that, the manager of my department resigned to take a teaching position at a large university. I worked very hard to cover my manager's workload, as well as that of another coworker who had left to join another company. In all, I was working nearly 90 hours a week for a number of months.

My hard work paid off, and I was promoted to manage the department one year ago.

My struggle is that I have no research mentor. I have lots of experience in database marketing, survey research, secondary research, and data analysis. I have very little experience with methods like focus groups, conjoint analysis, advanced statistical techniques, etc.

How might I get experience in these areas? I can read books, but that only gets me so far. I am aware of organizations like the Burke institute where I can go to learn techniques, but these are very expensive. Does anyone have any cost-effective, practical ideas on how I can get exposure to new research methods?
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  • Posted bywnelsonon Accepted
    I would suggest two things:

    1) Work with your biggest internal customers- where work goes. If you are providing the bulk of your efforts to a marketing person, ask them what they do with the information and why they need it. Have them step through their data use with you. Find out if they have unsatified needs - some of which they may not even realize they have until you see what they are doing and realize there is more research that you can help them with. If this person has the right kind of personality - they could be a mentor of sorts for you inside your company.

    2) Network outside your company. The American Marketing Association has a special interest group (SIG) for marketing research. You can get to know others in your field of expertise (in and outside your industry) and discuss with them what they do, what you do, and exchange ideas. The AMA website is:

    The contact for the Marketing Research SIG is:

    Debra Patek
    Principal/Marketing Sciences
    ThinkVine LLC
    300 E-Business Way, Ste 200
    Cincinnati, OH 45241

    AMA also has a "school of marketing research June 12-17 at Notre Dame, for $2700 for members - aimed at marketing research managers with less than 3 years management experience. I have no recommendation on this...just letting you know it's available. The website for this

    I hope this helps you....


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