
Topic: Strategy

Charity Fundraising Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Please can you help me to outline the steps to design a fundraising event strategy? Thanks.
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  • Posted bywnelsonon Accepted
    Here’s a general approach:

    Put together description of the fund raiser:

    o For what are you raising funds?
    o For what will the funds be used?
    o What's your goal/need in dollars?
    o What was done last year?
    o What was achieved in dollars?
    o What are you planning to do to raise the money?
    o Who are the target donors (break them into groups and say what percentage you think you can achieve by group given your fund raising activity)?
    o What are the major roles and responsibilities in the fund raiser and who do you recommend for those positions (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Activity coordinators, etc)?

    Define your marketing plan – this is how you are going to promote your fundraiser. Keep in mind you have two groups to promote to: Volunteers and donors.

    o Identify who you target audience for volunteers – look at demographics and how best to motivate them to participate as well as how best to reach them (media choices)
    o Identify donors – look at demographics and how best to motivate them to participate as well as how best to reach them (media choices)
    o Define what methods you will use to promote the fundraiser to these targets - posters, radio, TV, newsletters, direct mail. Also identify the cost of each and the expected return - how many donors do you believe will respond to direct mail, to radio, to TV, etc.

    Put together a plan for the fundraiser:

    o What tasks need to be performed?
    o Who will accomplish these tasks?
    o When do they need to be finished?

    Major milestones in the plan will be:
    Put together a plan for the fundraiser:

    o Budget approved
    o Advertising campaign launched (this may be two milestones if you have a campaign for volunteers and donors)
    o All approvals gained (By city officials if you are going to do a walk-a-thon, police to block streets, etc)
    o Volunteer kickoff meeting
    o Team meetings (if the volunteers are broken into teams or groups)
    o Preparation for fundraiser complete
    o fundraiser start
    o follow-up meeting after to discuss what went right and what could be improved for next time.

    Put together a budget for your fundraiser:

    o Itemize how much you will spend on what
    o Itemize where your funds will come from in the fund raiser (especially if you have more than one fundraising activity).

    From this point on, it’s a matter of delegating to a few trusted individuals who can push things along, lots of follow up by you, the organizer, and lots of smiles!

    Hope this helps you in your efforts. Good luck.


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