
Topic: Research/Metrics

What Is A Manageable Number Of Rfps?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Easy question... I am putting together a very comprehensive RFP for segmentation and all ancilliary projects such as observational work, etc. I have way more vendors than I need and various stakeholders all have their own opinion of who should be included in the process.

What is an average and/or manageable number of RFPs to send out?
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  • Posted bywnelsonon Accepted
    Before I answer, let me qualify: First, make sure you allow adequate time on the front of the project to review quotes, ask questions, and resubmit quotes if necessary! Also, the more upfront work you do to know the firms before asking RFPs, the less you have to send out. If you have researched, say, 10 firms and have references showing they have capability to do the job you want them to do, you can easily narrow the field to the top thee and send out RFPs to them. If you aren't satisfied with the results of those three, you always have the option to resend the RFP out to others. In the initial submittal, I don't see a need to do more than five if you have done research before hand.

    So, given all these conditions, three to five should be adequate.


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