
Topic: Taglines/Names

Sweepstakes Agency Needs Effective Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
Our agency is trying to come up with an effective tagline to help relay our capabilities to potential clients. The company name is Exposure Marketing and we are a leading agency in sweepstakes and interactive promotion management. Some of the toughts that should be considered in responding are EXPERIENCE, CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY and EXECUTION. Initial ideas are "Defining Promotion Management" (or "Redefining Promotion Management"), or "Promotions that work". I would appeciate any feedback that you might have. Thanks.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    You are looking through the wrong end of the telescope. The message you should be expressing in your tagline is NOT what YOU do. It's what BENEFIT your target audience will realize if/when it utilizes your services.

    What's your positioning statement? Who is your primary target audience? What makes you any different from (and better than) other agencies? What industries are you focusing on?

    If I saw a tagline from an agency and it focused on THEM instead of on MY NEEDS (as a potential client), I would run away from them as fast as my legs would carry me. That's because I know they are not really marketing oriented, and I certainly don't want to pay for their education all by myself.

    Treat your problem as if it were a client's assignment to you, and use the opportunity to say something that demonstrates your understanding (and mastery) of marketing.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the feedback mgoodman. I do agree with what you said about making the tagline express the benefit to the customer, not what we do. The fact is that the majority of our clients are marketing and advertising agencies. We primarily act as facilitators of the marketing programs that they sell to their clients. Sort of marketing to the marketing agencies who market to the marketers (if you would). Many of our clients would say that, aside from our expertise, we do the things that they don't want to do (or learn to do) themselves.
  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    好吧,你可以always use your own words in your tagline...

    Exposure Marketing
    "Handling your sweepstakes and interactive promotions."

    The wordmanagingmight defeat your purpose if you're getting outsourced business from other agencies. I thinkhandlinghas a safer, delegation-ish quality to it, if you know what I mean.
