
Topic: Student Questions

Sos! Report On Media Selection

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I want urgent help, from you.
I am doing a report on "Importance of media selection across various industries".

I request you to please help me out and pour me with a report u have or any material thats helpfull.

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  • Posted bywnelsonon Member
    To underline what Robin said and also the information in the link Dan provided you, In the June 27, 2005 issue ofMarketing, Editor Stan Sutter contributed an article entitled, "By the numbers" in which he quotes P&G's Media Manager, Gina Banks: "Good media strategies are being crafted based on who the target is and when and where they are receptive to a particular product's message, rather than based on what tools an advertiser prefers."

    所以,选择标准是基于听众。The importance of this that flows: If you don't craft a strategy based on WHEN and WHERE the target is reception, they will miss it and your ROI on your media investment (a component of marketing ROI) is very long.

    Another article discussing media planning and strategy is in theJournal of Database MarektingJul 2003.Vol.10, Iss. 4; pg. 303 by Peter Mitchell, entitled "Demystifying media neutrality." It discusses the process of media planning in good detail. You can retrieve this through ProQuest (your school library probably can give you access to this database).

    I hope this helps.


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