
Topic: Copywriting

Print Newsletter Success

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What would you say is the priority for a newsletter distributed to an entire firm - leadership, hourly employees, admin.? How do you priortize and set goals? Occasionally this newsletter will be read by clients and prospects; however we are considering an alternative to that one.
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  • Posted byPepper Blueon Member
    Hi Cplamon,

    Of course it depends on the organization, however for an excellent example the commercial airlines do a great job of this, and they have huge organizational structure wants and needs to satisfy.

    If you have the time try to get your hands on a copy from one of them. One I am familar with is the one published monthly by America West Airlines. It really is a nice piece of work.

    Do you know anybody that works for an airline? If not, call up the HR department at one of them, they'll send you a copy, you'll probably get it within a week.

    I hope that helps.

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