Maximizing Your Tradeshow Strategy

Everyone loves a tradeshow—and for good reason. It's a chance to get out of the office, try out some cool new products, and make those invaluable face-to-face connections.

The power of live events is alive and well, but do you have a solid plan to create maximum value from them in 2019? From booth strategies to CRM integration to reporting ROI, we've got you covered with insights and advice. Get ready to rock tradeshows this year.

You'll learn:

  • Best practices for booth staff to attract, capture, and rate leads
  • How to get your leads into your marketing automation and CRM systems in a quick and scalable way
  • How to report on the value of all of the events you attend
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  • Date:January 31, 2019
  • Length:60 minutes
  • Presenter:Jason Askew, Robin Clark
  • Sponsor:Cvent
  • Element:Plan, Communications
  • Topic:Demand Generation, Events
  • Price:$0


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Jason Askew

Jason Askew has 12 years of experience as an enterprise conference and exhibit planner, with a strong focus on technology. He is currently the product marketing manager for onsite solutions at Cvent.

Robin Clark

Robin has 15 years' experience in marketing and events, driven by her passion for helping bring people together. She understands the significant influence that planning and marketing have on each other throughout the event design process, and she uses that knowledge to build effective, measurable event promotion strategies.


Sponsored by Cvent
Cvent offers software solutions to event planners and marketers for online event registration, venue selection, event management and marketing, onsite solutions, and attendee engagement. Cvent's suite of products automate and simplify the planning process to maximize the impact of events.