Data Science 101 for Marketers: From Data to Insights

Wish you knew a thing or two (or more!) about how to leverage data science to get better marketing insights?

Join us for a tour of what marketing data science is, how it relates to marketing analytics, and practical tips for using popular data science techniques to make your marketing insights more valuable.

You'll learn about:

  • The difference between marketing analytics, data science, and AI
  • The four key attributes of a data scientist
  • How to draw more insights out of any dataset, including a simple export from Google Analytics
  • How to get started on professional development if you want to pursue data science as a career option
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  • Date:February 18, 2020
  • Length:60 minutes
  • Presenter:Christopher S. Penn
  • Sponsor:InfoUSA
  • Element:Analyze
  • Topic:Metrics & Measurement
  • Price:$0


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Christopher S. Penn

Christopher S. Penn is a recognized thought leader, best-selling author, and keynote speaker who has shaped Google Analytics adoption, data-driven marketing, modern email marketing, and AI in marketing. He’s a co-founder of the PodCamp Conference and a co-host of the Marketing Over Coffee podcast.


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InfoUSA is your one-stop shop for marketing. We have over 45 years of helping small-to-large businesses grow. We offer the highest quality business and consumer databases coupled with turnkey marketing solutions: email campaigns, direct mail, paid search, social, and online display advertising.