Marketing and Sales Enablement Friday Forum


  • Pivot, Pivot, Pivot. Post-Pandemic Hacks to Support Your Sales Team

    The pandemic has turned sales and marketing upside down. Now, we're likely reaching the endemic stage. What will be some of the lingering trends? How can we better support our sales teams in the new environment? B2B marketing consultant Pam Didner will share ideas and hacks that will have the sales team appreciating you as the marketing rock star you are.

    Join Pam during this fun Friday Forum session to:

    • Learn how to discover sales content needs post-pandemic
    • Further your conversations with sales using easy-to-follow templates
    • Explore new approaches to facilitate engagements with prospects


    Pam Didner
    • Pam Didner
    • B2B and Tech Marketing Consultant, Author, Speaker
    • @PamDidner

    Pam is a marketing consultant, writer, speaker, podcaster, and author of two books:Global Content MarketingandEffective Sales Enablement. Her forte is creating successful global marketing plans that meet local marketing and sales teams' needs.

  • Closing the Great Divide: Building a Bridge Between Sales & Marketing

    It's no secret: Every company wants its sales and marketing teams to be aligned—but so few organizations achieve alignment. Despite the best of intentions, most companies' sales and marketing groups are united in goal but divided in practice—what we're dubbing "The Great Divide."

    Of course, sellers need access to the most timely, relevant, and impactful materials. But it's not enough to simply make assets available—sellers must know how to use those resources and when to deploy them in the sales process to optimize their impact.

    Join Allego Chief Marketing Officer Wayne St. Amand, who'll explore the latest and greatest practices for Sales and Marketing alignment, content management, and content activation.

    Join us to learn:

    • Marketing's role in Sales enablement and how to foster sales-obsessed marketers
    • How to get sellers to use content marketingeffectivelyto win deals
    • How to accelerate content-driven results with virtual tools like digital sales rooms—and why traditional tactics are no longer enough
    • Best-practices to equip sellers with the information they need to deliver the perfect pitch every time
    • How to help sellers differentiate themselves from competitors with content that's relevant, easy to find, and highly personalized


    Wayne St. Amand
    • Wayne St. Amand
    • Chief Marketing Officer, Allego
    • @allegosoftware

    Wayne is responsible for driving business expansion through Allego's global corporate and product marketing initiatives. A seasoned marketing leader, Wayne has a long track record of accelerating the growth of technology businesses, playing a key role in one IPO and three $100+ million exits.

  • Six Primary PLG Motions: What's Right for Your Business?

    Does your company need a product-led growth (PLG) strategy? And if so, which PLG approach makes most sense for your business, your customers, and your sales and marketing enablement efforts?

    In this event, you will hear overviews of the six primary PLG motions in use by leading B2B organizations today.

    Join us to learn:

    • When and where each approach makes most sense
    • Pitfalls and cautionary tales to keep in mind as you choose and begin implementation
    • How and where you can combine PLG motions successfully
    • And much more!


    Matt Heinz
    • Matt Heinz
    • President and Founder, Heinz Marketing Inc.
    • @HeinzMarketing

    Matt is president and founder of Heinz Marketing. With 20+ years' experience, he is a repeat awardee of Top 50 Most Influential People in Sales Lead Management (Sales Lead Management Assn.) and Top 50 Sales & Marketing Influencers (Top Sales World).


Allego boosts performance by combining learning, content, and collaboration into one app. You'll onboard faster, deliver the right content at the right time, coach and practice more frequently, and collaborate more effectively.
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  • Date:March 11, 2022
  • Sessions:3 presentations by top industry experts
  • Length:45 minutes per session
  • Topic:Marketing Content, Demand Generation, Marketing Strategy
  • Price:$0


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