Crank Up the Summertime Heat on Your ABM Program

Experts say it takes 6 months to get a successful ABM program in place. But what if you're like Drift's ABM lead Stefanie Neer—and have only a few short weeks?

As Drift's resident ABM expert, Stefanie's going to show you how she put a standout ABM program together... in less than 2 months.

In this free webinar, she'll teach you the exact strategies she used to take Drift's ABM program from Zero to Hero in (very) short order.

Join us for just 45 minutes and you'll walk away with:

  • Strategies for launching (or relaunching) your ABM program... fast!
  • The know-how to build a project plan that'll give you time for testing, course-correcting, and quick wins
  • Tips for getting Sales buy-in (and participation) from the get-go
  • 3 ABM plays you should try out right away to beat the summertime office heat (metaphorically speaking...)
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  • Date:July 7, 2022
  • Length:45 minutes
  • Presenter:Stefanie Neer
  • Sponsor:Drift
  • Topic:Account-Based Marketing, Marketing Strategy
  • Price:$0


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Stefanie Neer

Stefanie Neer is the Sr. marketing manager for enterprise & ABM at Drift, where she drives ABM strategy and execution. As a B2B marketing leader, she leads teams in executing campaigns that increase demand generation, accelerate and enable sales, and propel growth.


Sponsored by Drift
Drift is the Revenue Acceleration Platform that uses conversational marketing and conversational sales to help companies grow revenue and increase customer lifetime value (you guessed it... faster). More than 50,000 businesses use Drift to help them align Sales and Marketing and deliver a unified customer experience.