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High-Performance Landing Pages that Boost Your Bottom Line (FREE)

Michael Goodman, Anna Talerico
Thu., Nov. 19, 2009, 12pm ET (9am PT)
60 minutes
This online marketing seminar received 5 star(s)

High-performance landing pages are game changers.

High-performance landing pages have the potential to significantly increase the net effectiveness of PPC, email marketing and online advertising. Most organizations that adopt the principles of high-performance landing pages see conversion-rate increases of 200-600%. That means they get 2-6x the business from the same media spending.

This seminar will explain how you can dramatically transform your current online marketing effort into a powerful new business generating machine with supercharged landing pages. You�ll be able to:

  • Improve Effectiveness and Efficiency:� What if you could spend less to get more business?� That�s what high-performance landing pages let you do � spend less and get more business.� When we talk about increased conversion rates and return on investment, what we�re really saying is spend less and get more.
  • Build Your Brand:� We all know the clich�, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.� Well, landing pages are your first impressions. And in most cases, that first impression is pretty poor. High-performance landing pages "give good brand."� They keep promises made to respondents and they enhance the perception of your brand.
  • Extract Valuable Customer Insights:� High-performance landing page testing generates immediate, real-world knowledge that can inform your organization�s marketing and messaging.� You learn where your segments come from, what they respond to, and what turns them off.� You stop speaking in suppositions and opinions, and start speaking in certainties. Knowledge is power, and high-performance landing pages give you the confidence you need to succeed.



Michael Goodmanis a senior marketing and management consultant with Dialogue Marketing Group, Inc. His experience spans the spectrum from micro-businesses and start-ups to the Fortune Top 25. He learned marketing at corporate giants Procter & Gamble, Frito-Lay and Playtex.

He has consulted with clients in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer; local, regional, national and international markets; online and traditional bricks-and-mortar distribution; and industries ranging from industrial chemicals and consumer packaged goods to financial services, apparel, professional practices and healthcare.

He has been a leading expert on the MarketingProfs Know-How Exchange for several years and has delivered a number of 5-star seminars for MarketingProfs and other corporate clients.

Anna Talericois a co-founder and executive vice president of ion interactive, the company that pioneered post-click marketing. Anna currently leads the company's client development, marketing & operations from the firm's Florida office. She has over 12 years of experience working with top clients in the online marketing & development spaces.

她最近加入了兼职faculty at the University of San Francisco, and she speaks and writes about post-click marketing and high-performance landing experiences at conferences and symposia throughout the country.

Who Should Attend?

  • Marketers responsible for results in online media�PPC, email marketing, online advertising, etc.
  • Senior marketing execs who know they can do better with online media, but don't quite know where to start
  • Entrepreneurs who plan to launch online marketing campaigns
  • Consultants and marketing service providers who include online media as part of their total offering

What Will You Learn?

  • The four key requirements for a High-Performance Landing Path:
  • Segmentation�how to use it to improve both short-term conversion and effectiveness throughout your marketing program
  • Message matching�so each segment and source gets the message it needs to take the next step
  • The tailored offer�so your call-to-action isn�t a one-size-fits-all "generic" solution, but a targeted sure-to-work bull�s-eye
  • Testing and evaluation�the key to achieving higher performance goals over time
  • Five things you can do right now�so you can get started TOMORROW!
  • How MarketingProfs' new SmartTools can walk you through the process and lead you to your own High-Performance Landing Pages�guaranteed!

Webstorm Seminar Series

This is the third topic in ourWebstorm Seminar Series, a perfect storm of seminars to help you supercharge your website. Pro members have access to these and all our seminars!

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