The Recipe for an Integrated Approach to Event Marketing

Does "It's our biggest tradeshow of the year!" sound familiar? We've all said (or heard) this phrase at some point in our marketing lives. But before you sign the contract and pack the booth, take a step back and remember that event marketing is a strategic, dynamic discipline closely linked to your company's business objectives and sales goals. Are you prepared?

In this PRO seminar, we'll share the EventBLT™ recipe—brand recognition, lead generation, and thought leadership. You'll be able to use this framework to help your company get the most out of events and achieve your business objectives. We'll walk through each step of a proven event marketing plan and share tools you can use to drive results through integrated marketing activities. You'll leave with a fully-formed template that you can use to prepare for your next event.

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  • Date:11月12, 2015
  • Element:Plan
  • Topic:Demand Generation, Event Marketing
  • Price:$0


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