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Use Your Last Event as a Launching Pad for Your Next Event [Slide Show]

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121108-1 Intro

After months of preparations—and despite inevitable snafus—your event was a smashing success. You're ready for a much-deserved break. ButDavid Horne has some newsyou might not want to hear: The best time to start working on your next event is right now.

To maintain forward momentum, you've got about two weeks to implement action points like these.

121108-2 Host a meetup for organizers and volunteers

Host a meetup for organizers and volunteers

Events are inherently stressful: Tensions mount and nerves fray. A casual meetup is a great way to say thanks, gather feedback, and repair any rifts. Make your team's last memory of an event as positive as possible, and energize them for the next one.

121108-3 Set a kickoff meeting

Set a kickoff meeting

Get your kickoff meeting on the calendar right away. Doing so prepares everyone for the challenge of planning your next event—once they're rested and refreshed.

121108-4 Gather testimonials

Gather testimonials

Capture positive feedback while the attendees are still excited about the event. "Nothing sells events like the testimonials of others," says Horne. "You will use these later for your next event's promotion and to woo sponsors."

121108-5 Show off at SlideShare, Facebook, Pinterest, and Flickr

Show off at SlideShare, Facebook, Pinterest, and Flickr

想在你的下一个吸引潜在与会者event? Show them what they missed at your last event. Post materials from each speaker's session at SlideShare. And encourage everyone who attended your event to post their photos to Facebook, Pinterest, and Flickr. The sooner, the better.

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Christian Gulliksenis a writer who has authored several of theGet to the Po!nt newslettersfor MarketingProfs. A former editor atRobb Report, he has also contributed toWorth,Variety,andThe Hollywood Reporter.

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