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  • The average CPM for advertising delivered via Facebook Ads Manager has been steadily rising since March, according to recent research from Social Insider.

  • As more businesses increase their digital advertising efforts, fraudsters, scammers, and bots lie in wait. Some marketers are aware of the looming threats, but many aren't. The good news is that telltale signs of ad fraud can be spotted.

  • Marketers say running full-screen video ads is the most effective approach for driving mobile app installs, according to recent research from AdColony.

  • Marketers say audience targeting is both the most effective programmatic advertising tactic and the most difficult to execute, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • Most Americans say they would rather watch a 30-second advertisement in exchange for free content than share their email address with a company, according to recent research from BuzzStream and Fractl.

  • Professionals who use search engine optimization (SEO) and Google Ads say both approaches are effective; but, if forced to pick only one, most would choose Google Ads, according to recent research from

  • There are two ways to run ABM ads: by matching contacts, and by matching accounts. Both ways are valid, but each has its pitfalls—as well as its own match-rate metrics. This infographic explains it all.

  • Agencies say the most common mistakes they make when managing clients' digital advertising campaigns are payment failures, forgetting to turn spend off, and offending target audiences, according to recent research from Morphio.

  • Programmatic advertising uses technology to automate media buying: Advertisers bid in real-time for a specific audience, and the highest bidder wins the impressions that are up for auction—all in the blink of an eye. See more about the process, benefits, challenges, and the current state of programmatic.

  • B2B marketers who rely on in-person interactions to connect with clients and drive lead generation now need alternatives. One strategy to continue promoting our brands is digital advertising—including programmatic. And it doesn't have to be complicated.

  • Most people say brands should continue to advertise during the COVID-19 outbreak, but they also say marketers should change the content of their campaigns to address the situation, according to recent research from Unruly.

  • Paid search remains a key digital advertising strategy for gaining customers, and Google is the dominant player, but companies are now looking to diversify their search ad spend to decrease their dependence—and instead use platforms that offer more cost-effective conversions.

  • Google Ads (the erstwhile AdWords) has become far more intuitive and easy to use than in years past. But despite a simplified interface, greater data transparency, and more features, it still has its share of nuances and complexities. These 5 tips will help you become a better PPC advertiser.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has driven down social media advertising rates globally and has also led to a decline in engagement with campaigns, according to recent research from Social Bakers.

  • To capture leads via your content, you need to provide value and engage your audience. That's where interactive content comes in—from quizzes to contests and giveaways. Here are five excellent tools you can use to create interactive content and capture leads.

  • Programmatic advertising (including display) continues to dominate the digital space. As it has expanded into areas like Connected TV and digital audio, programmatic remains one of the best strategies for efficiently reaching users and increasing engagement. Sponsored by Adtaxi.

  • Online, it can take numerous impressions to make the equivalent of a first impression in the physical world. Retargeting is a marketer's second chance (and third and fourth and fifth...) to make that all-important first impression. These stats and facts will help you craft your own retargeting strategy.

  • Video's popularity has exploded, leading to YouTube's becoming a massive search engine. Chances are, your customers—and potential customers—are conducting searches there associated with the products or services you or your competitors offer. That's where YouTube bumper ads come in.

  • The Super Bowl attracts a broad viewership of football fans and nonfans, and it is still watched primarily on televisions screens, according to recent research from AdColony.

  • What are consumers' viewpoints regarding video on social media, and do marketers' social video approaches and priorities mesh with those viewpoints? These two infographics highlight trends and insights from both camps.