SEO experts have spent the last decade preaching a gospel of optimized page-level elements and inbound links. "Those things are still important today," Jonathan Lawoyin writes in an article at MarketingProfs, "but getting real SEO results these days requires not only a technically optimized website and relevant inbound links but also a strong, vibrant Web presence that supports your overall brand. Which is where social media comes in."

Lawoyin掉ers tips like these for using social media to improve your organic search rankings:

Promote your content at sites like Facebook and Twitter.Search engines use shares and tweets as a factor when ranking content—so be sure to publish your most recent how-to articles and blog posts where readers can express their approval.

Interact with your fans and followers.You can't just dump content in social networks and expect it to go anywhere. "If you don't have many engaged followers on these social media sites," Lawoyin says, "there won't be anyone to help promote your content via shares and re-tweets."

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